Trump will not be giving a Thanksgiving address to the nation.

And for that I am thankful.
Our new president, Joe fuking Biden.

this nigger's out of his god damn mind. "oh i am just trolling" bullshit no you are not


way too spicey fren too beaucoup slow down
Uncle Touchy Joe is going to fuck up so hard he might as well get a red carpet installed for Trump in 2024
After watching the Macy's Parade this morning I would like to know Joe Bidens plan for shutting down Pentatonix.
This is why they voted him in u know.

The left are mentally ill and really need to be lined up and executed, ppl were hoping Trump would get it done
OMG I used to have the program that made that image. It's called Mazaica.

This is a great Letter to the Editor from yesterday's NYT, exposing the great fraud of this election:

"The Election Conspiracy

There is now a growing body of evidence of a vast conspiracy to steal the election from President Trump. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security have confirmed that more than 80 million people conspired to steal the election by voting for Joe Biden.

An FBI investigation has determined that planning for the conspiracy began more than 2 years ago and was organized by people at the highest levels of the Democratic party, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttplug, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and, of course, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. The FBI has video footage of public recruitment events where these shameless leaders openly asked people to vote for them.

Even worse, these diabolical co-conspirators recruited over 73 million people to vote for President Trump, just to create the appearance of a free and fair election. And then - the coup de grâce - they had the audacity to enlist election officials from all over the country, including many unwitting Republicans, to count all the votes.

A conspiracy on this scale is unprecedented in the history of this country."
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