Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2

is that a whole house fan? where do you live? does it work well?

I don't get the idea behind those things. cool the house using outside air, but the air outside is 104 friggin degrees.

It's a fan. It only sucks in air though. We are on holiday in Michigan. It is awesome. It only gets like 80 degrees here, but is great for sucking up all the hot air from after cooking alot, and moving the cold AC air from the den to the rest of the cabin.

We have used it only twice since we have been here.
that shirt is a little big

i have a lot of shirts like that tho, because I am a trim dude and shirts are always baggy at the waist. That's why I like tailored shirts or trim/slim cut dress shirts.
that shirt is a little big

i have a hard time finding [STRIKE]lot of[/STRIKE] shirts [STRIKE]like that tho[/STRIKE], because I am a trim dude and shirts are always baggy at the waist. That's why I like tailored shirts or trim/slim cut dress shirts.

do i look gay here
8:30 pm on a Friday night.

No doubt "Drink|Kahlua" is kicking back in his La-Z-Boy, watching TiVod episodes of O.C. Choppers, drinking a beer (Imported, so that he feels cultured), waiting for his wife to return home with a large bucket of chicken wings.
well; he waits sometimes up to years depening on how well the delay will service the deceptions so he doens't know which picture he's going to post he just posts them when the time comes up and the deception will best serve