Possible Serenity Sequel

Don't care about the budget, the show's fans weren't attracted by huge CGI scenes in the first place. Hopefully another one is eventually made.
[ party/ ]

I've been looking for a hint of this for months. You just made my day.

That and TO beat the crap outta the Thrashers today.

And it snowed in Seattle.


[ /party ]
hrm... i dunno on the budget.

it took 30 mill to make. It made that at the box office. Only 15% on income into the movie industry is box office. 85% is dvds, tv rights etc. So they gonna make a load more then the movie cost. We could easily get a similar costing movie if the right people like the script.

personally i think i had too high expectations for the movie...
I would be extremely happy if they made another movie, and even more happy if the show was brought back, even on Sci-Fi.
rumor only, and do they even have the legal right to make a for-tv movie? Fox owns the tv rights after all, so where does that come in?
tv movie is feasible if they can sort out the whole tv rights thing. each episode of firefly cost about 2mil to produce. So straight to tv movie maybe cost 5 mil? DVD sales and commercial time would easily push the effort into the black.