Portishead - Third

Portishead is around 15 years old, I think. It has been 10 years sence their last album.

I've been listening to it constantly sence I got it, and I am definatly starting to recognize the song structures. There is only one song that I'm not sure of, but even that one doesn't suck. Haven't memorized the titles so I don't remember which one it is.

And thanks for the possitive feedback on the review.
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Just some FYI...

The music video for the first single has just been released.

YouTube - NEW Portishead Video 'Machine Gun' (Third, 2008)

Also, a limited edition box set with a P shaped USB drive and 5 videos and other such goodies has been released.

Along with a downloadable MP3 of the final version of the single, Machine Gun.

Some impressions. If you listened to the leak, listen to the audio on the music video and you will notice a major difference. It is almost as if it's a completely different take of the song. The vocals sound very different, the drums do too, and that keyboard melody at the end sounds like they used a different patch. It is almost as if the leaked version is some old un-mastered copy of the album... like... way old. I am so used to the raw and dirty sound of the leak, that listening to this new version was a bit shocking and I wasn't sure if I liked it as much as the leaked version.

And then I decided that I would listen to the new MP3 sence audio on YouTube isn't all that great. There is a preview of the song on the webpage that is selling it. And even still, it sounded very different than both the youtube version and the leaked version. It sounds like the other versions were in mono, and the MP3 is in stereo... complete with panned tracks and such.

I have come across some problems though. Both the MP3 and the box set are in Euro and there doesn't seem to be a way to chose US. I have been told that my bank will convert it over with no problems, but when I try putting in my address for the box set... there isn't a spot for my state. So I fear that it might not get sent to me even if the order does go through.

And then there is the MP3. I can't seem to buy it because every time I input my email and password and continue, it just refreshes the page and asks me for it again. Tried a few different email addressess... same deal every time.

So apparently I can't buy either. I really want to hear the full MP3 of the single.

One thing is for sure... the final version of the album will most likely sound completely different than the leak.


Music video and MP3 for Machine Gun have been released.
Sounds completely different than the leak.
Limited Edition box set pre-orders available.
Having problems purchasing everything.


Portishead - News

Go to the news section and you should find the links to everything.
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Has anyone recieved their box set yet? People in the UK are getting them but I haven't heard of anyone in the US recieving theirs yet.
im more amazed that nobody has posted any metal bands from youtube in this thread than i am of their new album.
It's more that you come off sounding like some self-important music snob faggot.

Hmm. I didn't read it that way at all. I know some self-important music snob faggots and they don't sound like that. :shrug:
I just recieved my box set. 3 vinyls and a USB drive featuring the entire album as well as 2 music videos and some behind the scenes videos. Holy crap... the video for We Carry On is amazing. It's kinda frightening. It's animated and unlike anything I have ever seen. I wonder if it's up on YouTube yet.