[Poll] Wealth Re-distribution?

Reading comprehension - get some.

Show me which part of the country TW is a representative sample from. It's not.

I called it a prevailing attitude among MANY. That leaves plenty of room for others views, but I defy you to show how this is not representative of a large group of American citizens.

you're the one who used the 8 pages as an example, I'm just following your lead
So you would rather people have a college education than food and clothing. :ftard:

You don't really care about people do you? or first you would feed and clothe them. Then provide them transportation and housing. THEN you worry about education and healthcare, neither of which they will need if they starve to death or are homeless. :twak:
Where the hell are you getting any of this from?

Auto insurance being mandatory leads to high prices.

I'm not entirely sure how that is redistributing wealth to bad drives - to insurance agents/companies yes - but bad drives? You'll have to further explain.
Because without it, people who wreck their cars or the cars of others would have to pay for the damage they've done. Giving these people money when they get into accidents, and taking money away from those who don't, is another form of wealth redistribution.
In actual numbers, yes, the minority do pay the majority of taxes, but they also have the majority access to opportunity to expand their wealth, and the ability to pay those taxes is much greater. It will have a far less detrimental effect on the lifestyle of the minority if their taxes double (too exteme, but fits the analogy), than if the taxes of the bottom 95% double. Such an extreme tax hike will never sink the top 5% into poverty, but it will destroy the lives of 95% of the citizenry.

The dinner companion analogy also doesn't fit. If in that story, I am the poor majority, the gov't handouts which it alludes to certainly aren't lobster or fancy desserts. It also does nothing to address the flow of wealth upwards from the poor to the wealthy due to the monopoly of basic services and institutions. It's also wrong to make it seem like you're taking me out out of the goodness of your heart. You're doing it because someone else (the gov't) said you had to.

The point is, if someone treats you to dinner, you don't show ingratitude and demand he pay more on shit you don't need.
you're the one who used the 8 pages as an example, I'm just following your lead

And I'm saying that a larger percentage of TW thinks progressively about these things than the same ratio of American citizens.

You'd make a wonderful Pentacostal, because you're completely failing at reading between the lines.
And I'm saying that a larger percentage of TW thinks progressively about these things than the same ratio of American citizens.

You'd make a wonderful Pentacostal, because you're completely failing at reading between the lines.

religion is for weak minded individuals

We have no middle class.

We need a middle class.

In fact most people should be middle class, that's the sign of a successful society.

When things go back to "normal" we should be wary of the boat capsizing the other direction with the poor getting too many freebies.
And I would agrue then that the story is about the need for welfare reform, not a condemnation of the principles of taxation.

Welfare reform and principles of taxation are inseperable as issues.

Tax payers have a right to be pissed that their tax money is being wasted by people who have no gratitude.

When Laquisha Washington goes down to get her government check, she does not say "thank you America fo' givin me dis heah money, and thank you mistah tax payeah fo' working hard so my chillins can eat."

No, she says fuck whitey, I'm entitled to more.
you are entitled to your opinion, even though its wrong


Benjamin Franklin said it best
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic"

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

~Unknown, attributed to Alexander Tytler
The problem is that humans are inherently greedy and everyone thinks they deserve more than everyone else.

Human nature is retarded.
you are entitled to your opinion, even though its wrong

Benjamin Franklin said it best
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic"

I would be curious as to which high ground you occupy that let's you invalidate opinions at will.

Also, you say the republic will end like it's a bad thing.
not high ground, middle ground as in middle class, love it when someone tells me I don't exists

That's not what he said at all. But really, that's par for the course with you.

The middle class ceased to exist a while ago. From a lowerclass perspective it's still there (this is probably where you made your mistake), but from the top it has collapsed into the working class. This started happening in the 70s, when upperclass annual earnings began to grow exponentially compared to the other 95% of the country. Up until then, wage increase had been happening across the board, with a fairly constant ratio in place. This coincided with a culture war against organized labour, including the invention of the myth of the 'leftist media bias'.
I would be curious as to which high ground you occupy that let's you invalidate opinions at will.

Also, you say the republic will end like it's a bad thing.

This is the problem with kids today - they are so ungrateful.

Why would the end of the republic not be a bad thing?

Well....PantsMcFist has no idea, but it seemed like a good emo kid answer.
This is the problem with kids today - they are so ungrateful.

Why would the end of the republic not be a bad thing?

Well....PantsMcFist has no idea, but it seemed like a good emo kid answer.


So devil's advocacy is emo now then?

Or are you uncomfortable imagining possible (read better) futures that don't have a USA in them?