[poll] is tribalwar getting more boring or am I just getting lazier

no don't worry bro we totally understand the significance of the word "peacock" and why you use it

it just sounds horribly antisocial and completely faggoty

something a 28 year old near-virgin chubby british dude would say from his computer room while he clicks between tabs of reddit and ifilms.com
I bet you anything he read it in some 'Don't feel bad about being a loser, and here's why!" book and now he thinks by repeating it he is super smart
hello chums me name's al muktar I am a dark skinned chubby bald british guy and one time I was at a jolly bar with my two friends, it was jolly good

at this bar I sat in the corner sipping on a rather good british pint, wot, and it was quite enjoyable, and I watched more sociable people interact. you see me lad there's two types of people, people who are like me, for example my friends, and I think we're all rather good smart chums, and everybody else, who I put in a lower tier because otherwise I would feel like a jolly loser oi

now I rather think I understand people in general, trust me bally good, me film studies degree has given me the expert insider on it wot
hello I'm a spoiled child with a linguistics degree, realised it was useless now I want to be an architect

also my gf is on another continent and I cant trust her around nerds

she's kinda hot but I tell people she's like claudia schiffer because it would destroy my soul if I admitted to myself that I had to settle for the first half-decent looking girl I could get my sticky mitts on

on another continent
I'm not mad, it's 8:15am and I literally have nothing better to do right now than make fun of him

I find something fascinating about these corner-dwelling quasi intellectuals who are mostly failures but somehow hold themselves in high esteem simply by valuing their intellectual ability more than the successful people around them

I know because I know tons of kids like this

hey bro let's go sip on some pints at a bar at a quiet table and totally LOL at those guys macking on chicks

lmao what a douche he's making out with that girl right in the bar, what a slut she is

so anyway as I was saying bros you gotta see this website called ifilms.com the reviews are seriously unbiased and really good
actually what's been pissing me off lately are people like Dare, Jungle Fish and opsayo who make a lot of threads and try to one up each other at making less sense in each thread.
it's trendy to pretend to be a nerd on an internet forum right now

but getting back to our current topic I'm sure even the people that hate me can back me up on this one

we've all been there a few times in our life when we're that guy sitting in the corner of a bar with his friends trying to lol at dudes who are probably going to get fucked that night

meanwhile we're trundling home at 3am with a half eaten styrofoam container of chinese food secure in the knowledge that we're better

everyone has had a night or two like that

the difference being Al Muktar literally lives every single night of his life like that

and the only thing he ever takes home is an overinflated sense of superiority while he eats his kung pao chicken tabbing between reddit and rotten tomatoes
hey obibun my parents bought me a mercedes instead of a bmw
how i pick up chicks?
do i need a mercedes belt now