Poll: Guitar/Music contest

TW musicians, would you record something if we had a backing track provided?

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Well thanks for the advice old_skul. We actually finally just met someone who does a great job with audio so I bet we'll eventually re-record a few songs that we'll send out to people.


pick one of the three.(this one is the best imo )

i havent checked the other ones but i think that the minor baby blues one is in A#/Bb.

rock: http://guitar-wav.com/Rock141.mp3 i think its in E
its a calm track.. sorry for my slang.

I like your phrasing a lot. pretty interesting, lots of ideas.

my only thing is, be a bit more confident in your bends.
Prop said:
its a calm track.. sorry for my slang.

I like your phrasing a lot. pretty interesting, lots of ideas.

my only thing is, be a bit more confident in your bends.
sorry:p i try to put more emotion into my phrasing by..making the bends a bit "shaky"...
anyone else?
think a new thread is in order..since we ve established the fact that this music thing is a good idea.
Bdave: some nice licks in there. I would have used a bit more gain, personally. Aside from that, your bends a tiny bit flat - practicing them with a tuner is helpful.

Sounds great though!
old_skul said:
Bdave: some nice licks in there. I would have used a bit more gain, personally. Aside from that, your bends a tiny bit flat - practicing them with a tuner is helpful.

Sounds great though!
but guys the whole fucking point is to have alot of people doing this.
old_skul...uncle silas..lets go people!
old_skul said:
I'm down for this. I'm not a technical dude at all, but I might be able to turn something out.

I wish we could make our own TW backing track. I could work one up pretty simply if we needed one. 'Course that would probably disqualify me.

Does this song qualify as an entry at all? ;)

htf do you get the recording so god damn clear?

nice job dude.
I'm not that good, but I'd love to enter this. What's the backing track, and should I even enter if I'm not at the skill level of these other dudes?

Sounds like something that would help me get better.
soggynuts said:
I'm not that good, but I'd love to enter this. What's the backing track, and should I even enter if I'm not at the skill level of these other dudes?

Sounds like something that would help me get better.
Im not the best either..its just having fun. The backing tracks are in the post above...theres 3 blues and one rock..backing tracks are surprisingly hard to come by online.
Everyone wants you to fucking buy them...
Ok, now i just need to figure out how to record heh.

Do I have to use one of those backing tracks or can i just make up my own shit, I'm not really a blues guy... but i guess i could break out my dads telecaster and some reverb and see what happens though

Edit: Couple of questions...

1. how do I add more tracks to a sound on goldwave, so i can record it on a seperate track from the backing track

2. is there a way I can prevent my mic from "maxing out" into the red zone when I'm recording, other than turning down my mic volume?

3. if I can't add tracks and I have to make them be seperate sounds, how do I merge two seperate sounds?

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soggynuts said:
Ok, now i just need to figure out how to record heh.

Do I have to use one of those backing tracks or can i just make up my own shit, I'm not really a blues guy... but i guess i could break out my dads telecaster and some reverb and see what happens though

Edit: Couple of questions...

1. how do I add more tracks to a sound on goldwave, so i can record it on a seperate track from the backing track

2. is there a way I can prevent my mic from "maxing out" into the red zone when I'm recording, other than turning down my mic volume?

3. if I can't add tracks and I have to make them be seperate sounds, how do I merge two seperate sounds?

You can make your own stuff..i see no harm in it.

You just go to new on Goldwave. So for example, open the backing, then open a new file..make the time limit like 10 minutes or whatever. Start recording..then click on the other file..the backing track one..and press play..so you can listen to it and record at the same time.
Also..when you want to mix..click the file you want to use..ctral+C and then click on the other file..go to..edit..and Mix. If you cant figure it out..press F1.

If you can't add tracks..ask Prop..he was nice enough to offer his services for that.

Trumpets are allowed too.
All instruments are permitted people.
yeah. I'm still rockin it.

Although, I'm probably gonna put EMG 80/81's in soon. Because the wolf's pickups don't go too well with my new amp. 1986 MKIII Mesa Boogie, Green stripe.
Is there something wrong with me?

I keep switching CD's from SRV - The Slow Blues, to Symphony X - The Odyssey, to U2 - Joshua Tree....adfalkjhsdfalksjdf