[Politics] Should infanticide be legalized?

the baby is the car

and the man didn't consent to an abortion (crash) when he bought the car (sex)
well if that's the case, if i consent to having sex with a woman and the risk of pregnancy but i don't consent to the event of getting her pregnant, in the case that the pregnancy event happens, i shouldn't be liable for child support, right?

is that what you're trying to say? that because you didn't consent to the actual event occuring, you should never be held responsible for the event if it were to happen?

because that's pretty damned unrealistic, tbch
I don't want to get too off topic, but the key difference between abortion and child support is how your actions affect yourself vs others. Generally, you're held more responsible for the things you do to others than the things you do to yourself.
I don't want to get too off topic, but the key difference between abortion and child support is how your actions affect yourself vs others.
Pretty sure killing is at the tippy-top of actions towards another human being.
Your body, you get to decide who gets to live off it.

does that go for my money too? i mean, it's mine, i get to decide who lives off of it.

doesn't that mean that i should be able to kick my 5 year old out? he/she would probably die without me or my money, but i have the choice, right?
does that go for my money too? i mean, it's mine, i get to decide who lives off of it.

doesn't that mean that i should be able to kick my 5 year old out? he/she would probably die without me or my money, but i have the choice, right?
It's called putting the kid up for adoption. You can already do it if you want to.

Turns out, people don't want to.

doesn't matter the topic

Amadeus impressed us either way

this is how biological differences work to him

now we see why first hand
that appears to be the case

responsibility and consent works this way to these people

it is a choose your own adventure kind of thing

pick your own toppings schmorgesborg

but you get no way out.......no other say

your decisions were always part of an inescapable a death pact
Abortion a gr8 ting ok n e ded babbeez r ded liberals ok luv abortion luv pro choice h8 ded baby liberals :king:
US Christian who refuses to pay taxes until abortion is defunded has first big win in court
Like 60% of Americans, Michael Bowman opposes taxpayer funding of abortion. Unlike most Americans, he is currently squaring off against the Internal Revenue Service to avoid doing so.

Bowman is a 53-year-old Christian and contract engineer in Columbia City, Oregon. He has refused to file a tax return or pay taxes since 1999, The Oregonian reports, citing the federal government’s funding of the abortion industry.

"I'm not a tax protester. I love my country,” he told the paper. “I have a duty to my country. I have a duty to my conscience.”

The IRS has sent him numerous warnings over unpaid taxes from 2002 to 2014, and in 2012 the Oregon Department of Revenue began garnishing money from Bowman’s bank account. In response, he started cashing out his paychecks and leaving only a minimum balance in his account.

This, federal prosecutors say, constituted “remov[ing] his income from the reach of taxing authorities.” They indicted him for felony tax evasion in the amount of $356,857, as well as four misdemeanor counts of willful failure to file tax returns.

Bowman’s attorney, Matthew Schindler, argued that his client was fully transparent every step of the way, from disclosing all of his paychecks to cashing them at his own bank, under his own name.

"Like a player collapsing as they lose Twister, the government has reached too far forward and stretched way too far back,'' his motion to dismiss read.

Last week, US District Judge Michael Mosman sided with Bowman on the felony charge, ruling that the feds failed to show he attempted to conceal income or deceive the government. Prosecutors remain free to re-introduce the charge in the future, and are currently weighing whether to do so.

"First, I would love to pay taxes so as to have a normal life, however, our government is using the tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood; which commits abortions - the death of the innocent," Bowman said. “Apparently, a woman has the right to choose, but evidently, I do not.”

He also took aim at the common rejoinder that every American citizen has to pay taxes for things with which they might personally disagree, such as war. “You see, the Constitution grants certain abilities to the government, e.g. funding the military, but killing children is not a Constitutional backed, compelling interest of the government by any stretch of the imagination,” Bowman explained.

“All the government has to do is put a check box on the tax forms that says check here to support Planned Parenthood, and write in your donation amount," Bowman proposed. "Then, just like any church or charity, Planned Parenthood will be funded by those that have no problem with it, and the 150 million people like me that are pro-life, can pay their taxes and live knowing we kept our conscience clean.”

He vowed that he will continue his resistance as long as the government continues funding the abortion industry.

“My effort [is] about standing up, standing firm for my Constitutional rights, and getting the government to honor title 42 Chapter 21.b The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, so that I may live a peaceful life, and in the end face God, and hopefully have Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!" he said.

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The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-141, 107 Stat. 1488 (November 16, 1993), codified at 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb through 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-4 (also known as RFRA), is a 1993 United States federal law that "ensures that interests in religious freedom are protected."[1] The bill was introduced by Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on March 11, 1993.
