[Politics] I'm undecided. Help me get data.

i definitely wouldnt go by what people post in every thread (ie 58342 reasons to vote for kerry). everything at this point is opinionated, obviously since the polls are pretty much even right now.

in other words, try to stick to sites that say "bush thinks _____ about this issue" and "kerry thinks _______ about this issue", instead of "why kerry is better than bush" or vice versa.

tw liberals (in my eyes) always post the latter, which just makes them look like trolling retards, just like the 1st response in the thread (or maybe its because kerry doesn't have many solid views on anything?). just my 2 cents
Hmmmm, there's a lot of stuff in the issues site from 2000-2001 about bush stating how he'll lower the deficit dramatically.

As far as I know, the deficit raised dramatically between 2000 and 2004 anyone have a non-partisian link confirming or denying this?
[THE]Perrin said:
Hmmmm, there's a lot of stuff in the issues site from 2000-2001 about bush stating how he'll lower the deficit dramatically.

As far as I know, the deficit raised dramatically between 2000 and 2004 anyone have a non-partisian link confirming or denying this?

You can't look at black and white either. The world changed alot since he said that.

Basically you need to find a few topics that you find are important and you think can be changed. Like Gay rights, abortion, National Security etc... And then you can look at the stance of each.

Dont just go with what people tell you, ie Vote for Kerry because he is not Bush, or Vote for Bush because Kerry flip flops. Basically not much will change if either is elected, especially when it comes to the economy or the war in Iraq. I look for things that can be changed, or sometimes not changed.
War said:
You can't look at black and white either. The world changed alot since he said that.

True, but there's quite a bit in there on plans to reduce the budget. Though it's not going to be the issue that sways my vote one way or the other.

I think it's important that a candidate at least attempt to do as he says. And a huge increase just isn't in anyway coming through on what he promised.
[THE]Perrin said:
True, but there's quite a bit in there on plans to reduce the budget. Though it's not going to be the issue that sways my vote one way or the other.

I think it's important that a candidate at least attempt to do as he says. And a huge increase just isn't in anyway coming through on what he promised.

Then factor that in. When voting you have to way pro's and con's of each canidate. Some consider gay rights a high priority, some dont.

I just am not sold on Kerry because I dont see how he can make Iraq any better or make the economy any better. Some of his views are WAY to liberal for me, yet some of Bush's are WAY to conservative for me. I think one of the reasons this election is so heavily debated is to the extreme each canidate appears. So basically us moderates are forced to pick between two people we really have little in common with.
The deficet was why I was hoping that Lieberman would of got the nod. I have no faith in either candidate when it comes to lowering the Deficet. Basically I vote this way:

For President: Leadership, He needs to be decisive and consistant and be a no bullshit type. It is congresses job to check and balance him if he gets too eager. (I.E. if you believe attacking Iraq was wrong, blame Congress, not the President. If you believe it was right, credit them both).

For Congress: I vote the direction i think the country needs at the time, basicaly current issues i feel are important now. This year that will be Economy and the enviroment.

what i don't care about at all either way is Gay Marriage, abortion rights, affirmative action, etc. let the states figure that out.
Can't you go over to his ranch and find out for yourself what Bush seems capable of?

Edit: or was that electrowaffle, hmm...
I tend to vote opposite for senate and executive. I like balance, so if a Republican is in as president I will often tend to vote Dem for Senate. Assuming both are about equal.
Whistler said:
Can't you go over to his ranch and find out for yourself what Bush seems capable of?

Edit: or was that electrowaffle, hmm...

I wouldn't want to. I think both parties are corrupt, and if it could be undetected by earlier comments, I think either candidate would lie to gain public favor.

So I need to get the actuall facts on what each one wants.

Not voting for either is a waste of a vote. If they are really just even in the end, I might do that. But I think ones gotta come out on top in some of the
issues I care about more, such as education.

Edit: Oh... I have no idea what you're talking about. So probably waffle.
You live in Cali, you vote matters not you are voting for Kerry whether you like it or not man :)

Well god damnit. That sucks balls.

Either way I want to know the issues involved. Even if it's just to pretend my vote'll matter, this issues site has kerry's voting record, which should help.
I heard that he voted against all most all weapons systems. Not just like gay stuff like star wars, but against tanks and shit too. It is on my list of shit to find out before I vote.
Vincent : And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Jules : They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?
Vincent : No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
Jules : Then what do they call it?
Vincent : They call it a "Royale" with cheese.
Jules : A "Royale" with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent : Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it "le Big-Mac".
Jules : "Le Big-Mac". Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper?
Vincent : I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.
If Bush supporters include triple, fngrbang, tonyeltigre, $hogun, fraidykat and stone, I'm extremely glad I'm voting for the other guy.
Wow, did you come up with that all by yourself? That was really clever!

See, I never expected anyone to turn that joke around on me! My god man, you should be a stand up comedian or something, im still laughing!
War said:
I heard that he voted against all most all weapons systems. Not just like gay stuff like star wars, but against tanks and shit too. It is on my list of shit to find out before I vote.

Yeah, I watched the speech of the dem at the republican convention. According to that he voted against some things I'd be pretty inclined to vote for myself.

That was a definate point against him for me.

Also a friend of mine said, that in the two speeches, kerry would say "Unlike bush I am for crossing roads!" for example. While 80% of the time, in bush speech previously he had stated that he was "For crossing roads."

I'd really like to see the two speeches to compare them.