Planetside Vs. World of Warcraft Vs. Starwars Galaxies

I dunno... PS will be huge, but not that great. Same prolly with SWG (I'm in the beta, and it's still VERRRRRRY much a beta). Dunno about WoW.
WOW looks like its going to be a fancy everquest, and everquest is like an online job - except you pay them. I would prefer a entirly skill based game.
yeahhh i guess. PS is actually better than swg now, but i think/hope they'll make SW:G awesome for release.
Natural said:
WoW will own all... but not until next summer

That's a strong statement. Got any proof to back it up? Also while on the topic of MMORPGs, anybody got a guesstimate as to when WoW, SWG and EQ2 are scheduled to come out?
wongFUmom said:
WOW looks like its going to be a fancy everquest, and everquest is like an online job - except you pay them. I would prefer a entirly skill based game.

skillbased? thats what shadowbane is... unless you mean, like player skill, like an fps...

wow doesnt look too eq-ish to me... course, ive never played a blizzard game i didnt enjoy at least fair amount, so i may be biased...
Maniacal said:
skillbased? thats what shadowbane is... unless you mean, like player skill, like an fps...

wow doesnt look too eq-ish to me... course, ive never played a blizzard game i didnt enjoy at least fair amount, so i may be biased...

Player hand-eye-mouse skill, not hours of leveling
wongFUmom said:
Player hand-eye-mouse skill, not hours of leveling

even so, how would work that effectively into a game where players are using lots of melee weapons, and aoe spells...
Maniacal said:
even so, how would work that effectively into a game where players are using lots of melee weapons, and aoe spells...
Yea you are right, WOW will have to be a role playing game with all the excitement of everquest.
wongFUmom said:
Yea you are right, WOW will have to be a role playing game with all the excitement of everquest.

what is it with you and eq?

im currently playing shadow bane, and its an "mmorpg" but its not like eq... in fact, most of the eq players complain about its lack of eq-ness...

i dont really see any indication that WOW is doomed to that fate either...
WoW looks really fucking good and compared to the others i think the min specs to run are alot less than the others, apparently its gonna be really efficient. Something like p3 800 GF2 for WoW, compared to a p4 1.2ghz GF3 for PS, or something near that.

Plus Blizzard hasn't let me down yet.

Aside from those I am thinking EQ2 is going to be a fucking joke
Maniacal said:
what is it with you and eq?

im currently playing shadow bane, and its an "mmorpg" but its not like eq... in fact, most of the eq players complain about its lack of eq-ness...

i dont really see any indication that WOW is doomed to that fate either...

Slow RPGs are no fun :(
they all fucking suck because they are pay to play.

did anyone not get pissed off at the fact that you are paying for the game then on top of that you have to pay per month? seems like the install should be fucking free to me.