Plane crashes into World trade Center

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they are the true 'army of one's. They take the matters into their own hands and become their own weapon. We can handle big numbers but an individual entity becomes very hard thing to stop.

175 - Posted 09-11-2001 04:55 AM

"Need a bombadier!"



176 - Posted 09-11-2001 04:55 AM

somebody set up us the bomb...

You two think this shit is funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? Slinky you stupid limey bastard I hope you get fucking cancer and die.


I hope both of you get banned for posting shit like that at a time like this. Maybe we should have made jokes instead of rushing to save your asses in two world wars you fucking retard.
Shoddy said:
Retribution is not a good thing. I fail to see how it will help prevent future attacks. If the USA kills your brother, your wife, and your children, do you think that would make you more or less likely to want to perform a suicide attack?

So this should go unanswered? You're fucking ignorant
Kurten (AFO) said:
You two think this shit is funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? Slinky you stupid limey bastard I hope you get fucking cancer and die.


I hope both of you get banned for posting shit like that at a time like this. Maybe we should have made jokes instead of rushing to save your asses in two world wars you fucking retard.

omg fucking animals
Latest AP, and US/Canada border on high alert.


Air Traffic Halted After Terrorist Attack, Travelers Stranded
By Sharon Cohen The Associated Press
Published: Sep 11, 2001

Air traffic around the nation was paralyzed Tuesday as stunned travelers watched television screens in horror over the smoking wreckage caused by apparent terrorist attacks at New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The Federal Aviation Administration ordered all outbound flights grounded following the fiery twin disaster at the World Trade Center. Runways were kept open for incoming flights.

"Anybody that is planning on going somewhere isn't going anywhere at least for now," said James Kerr, deputy director at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee.

Heightened security measures also were put into effect. At Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, passengers were asked to provide tickets and identification before they entered the metal detector area that leads to passenger gates.

Two airplanes crashed into the twin 110-story towers in New York around 9 a.m. Explosions later rocked the Pentagon and the State Department in Washington.

A Boeing 757 plane crashed in the Pittsburgh area later Tuesday morning. It was not immediately clear if it was related to the other attacks.

The unfolding scene of billowing smoke, running crowds and the collapse of the trade center tower stunned passengers, some of whom watched the tragedy from television sets at airports.

"I was pretty shocked," said Rob Taylor, 32, of Colorado Springs, Colo., a traveler at Denver International Airport. "I mean, it's turning into anger pretty quickly. I hope they take this as a final sign that they need to be a little more hard-handed and take the gloves off and go after these people."

June Locacio, 58, watched the horrific scene on television in a standing-room-only bar at Lambert Airport in St. Louis. She heard the news after she got off a plane from Atlanta, Ga. as she was heading to Sioux Falls, S.D.

"It's absolutely stunning," she said. "I think it's an act of war. I can't believe they hit the Pentagon as well. ... I hope we're up to the task."

At Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, hundreds of people were stranded after federal officials canceled all flights in the United States. There were long lines at airport pay phones as family members called friends and family.

"Someone is trying to make a serious statement and I hope we do likewise," said Scott Gilmore, 55, who had planned a trip to Washington, D.C.

At the Hyatt Hotel in New Orleans, Kelly Lenox returned from the airport where she had been scheduled to fly home to St. Louis. She said security officers told her to leave the airport, and police were not even allowing people to get out of taxis.

"You think you're safe, but you're not," she said. "Who would have thought the Pentagon ...." Her voice trailed off.

Lenox said she would rent a car to get home.

AP-ES-09-11-01 1205EDT
Unfortunately, the only way is to bomb their homeland and kill lots of innocent people. Then the leaders of these countries will have to police 'their' terrorists. Arafat and other leaders may be opposed to it, but if they know they have terrorist groups and don't stop them, are they not guilty as well? It is sad, but is there any other way?

Do we even know where the group that is responsible for this is from? We don't even know who is responsible for it. Sure, the muslims were cheering, but they just hate americans. We blamed foreign terrorists after the Oklahoma bombing and it turned out to be one of our own.
The Admiral of the Atlantic Fleet just launched the entire Atlantic Fleet towards DC and New York.

Just got that from a friend from Virginia on icq..
Man, I live on Long Island about 30 miles away from the city and I can still see smoke coming up from above the tree line. I still get the chills thinking about everyone I know in the city.
Kurten (AFO) said:
You two think this shit is funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? Slinky you stupid limey bastard I hope you get fucking cancer and die.


I hope both of you get banned for posting shit like that at a time like this. Maybe we should have made jokes instead of rushing to save your asses in two world wars you fucking retard.

Rofl, dude unless ur family is personaly involved in the induries or deaths then my heart goes out to you. But other then that shut the fuck up you fucking retarted homo and take that stick out of ur fucking ass. It's not the end of the world but even if it is, what's the worst that can happen... death?
people celebrating!? FUCK THEM! how can people be so fucking HEARTLESS! this isn't "the head of the snake", this isn't "evil america". these are FUCKING PEOPLE, with cats, mothers, that annoying pain in their left knee. people that get their morning paper every day, and wave at the paper boy. PEOPLE YOU SICK FUCKS! not something to celebrate over. if god is coming, I hope he does it quick. in the mean time I know there is going to be some serious american-borne ass whooping. all we gotta do is find our target and they will have their asses reamed from here to Timbuk Two, with all of it deserved.
Kurten (AFO) said:
You two think this shit is funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? Slinky you stupid limey bastard I hope you get fucking cancer and die.


I hope both of you get banned for posting shit like that at a time like this. Maybe we should have made jokes instead of rushing to save your asses in two world wars you fucking retard.

I was referring to the US needing bombadiers to bomb the Palestinians. My apologies if anyone thought otherwise. Perhaps bad timing.

Read my other posts. I'm not making a laughing matter about this.
Who would we get retribution from? A few small terrorist groups in the Middle East? What we need to do is stop fueling the fire in Isreal, and suspend all our aid to those fucking butchers. America is just as responsible as Isreal for the genocide being committed over there.
Hypn0tik said:
Saint - I see on your team website, that Chocobo is from Manhatten. Hope hes okay. Tell him to make a post, or message you if he is.

Choco isn't down that far on the island if I remember correctly. I'm sure he's safe. Thanks man.
tekniq said:
Rofl, dude unless ur family is personaly involved in the induries or deaths then my heart goes out to you. But other then that shut the fuck up you fucking retarted homo and take that stick out of ur fucking ass. It's not the end of the world but even if it is, what's the worst that can happen... death?

I'm not personally involved in this... my mother got away uninjured, her coworkers where in the building, i lived there for my entire life... something is missing now...

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