Pics that make you :lol: everytime you see them

zumie asked if i'd mind lending him money for dinner

i said sure, and gave him a $20, saying that he should just give me the change after he got whatever he wanted, and then pay me the difference

he orders, sits down, and i ask for my change. he told me there wasn't any...he wasn't lying either. that huge dude spent $20 at carls jr.

and yes, he paid me back
Holy crap not only does that one pic have a ton of bikes but look at all the fucking crutches by the stairs. WTF. What is the explanation of that?
Anyone posted FAGGOTRY TO THE MAXX yet?

...or that kid with the blue hair drinking absinthe...can't remember his name anymore
I'm calling bullshit.. but still, if that actually happeed.. lol

It's definitely BS. There's no way urine (or anything else, for that matter) would freeze in a perfect shaft like that while falling through the air.

Plus, the caption on that last page says: "This photo is from the popular British spoof news program, The Day Today"