[pics] Private Overseas Charitable Giving by country

considering the amount of stuff you guys yeeeehaaaw free the shit out of

35 billion in helping other people is the least you can do

It looks like sub-saharan African could use a whole bunch of freeing-the-shit-outta. You know, resulting from that time you guys tried to free the shit out of them in the 19th century.
we werent freeing the shit out of anyone

we were raping, pillaging and bringing the benefits of christianity and organisation to the darkies

and we were honest about it, too
This shows that in order to really rate what's going on you'll have to consider both private and governmental donations combined (and then you'd probably want to look at that as a percentage of GDP or maybe per capita).
In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S.
funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in
private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds.
The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible
contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a
number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country.
Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans
from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in
recent years.

so 1.5 billion out of ~35 billion. such a huge amount.
Who cares who we give out money to, we are not a socialist pit where the government takes our money and decides who to invest our charity to. We hold our own money and donate it how we please (which usually seems to be where its needed)
The numbers look impressive, but consider the differences in philosophies...

An individual capitalist American expects that its up to the private citizen to be charitable whereas a more socialist Canadian expects that the government will subsidize charity on their behalf. So if you approach the numbers this way:

In private donations, the average is $116 per american (300 million) and in Canada it's only $33 per canadian (33 million). If the comparision stops here, it makes Canada (and other nations look stingy).

However, in Foriegn Aid Canada gave an additional $108 per citizen in 2007 where as the United States only gave $70. Now Americans are still very charitable people, always have been, but claiming Canada is "cheap" when it comes to charity is simply ignorance. Afterall, 33 million Canadians give on average $141 compared to 300 million Americans who donated $186 per person. Now the numbers do not look so scewed. These numbers also only consider Foriegn Aid and does not consider Domestic Charities which the Canadian Government also subsidizes.

Now for a real eye opener: Consider that America is the wealthiest of nations with the highest of GDP for developed nations. Charity is often only considered selfless and virtuous if you factor in how much of a sacrifice it is. For example, for a rich man to give a few thousand dollars from his millions isn't nearly as impressive as the poor widow who gives the few pennies that is the last of what she has. Consider priorities.

America spent $186 per citizen on charity, but $1,464 per citizen on War in 2007. Canada by comparison will spend $573 in "defense" spending (up from $433 in 2004). So for wealthiest people in the world, (which North Americans are) we as a people, still spend our wealth more for the purpose of War by far then for Peace and good will towards all. Such is the selflessness of mankind.
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The numbers look impressive, but consider the differences in philosophies...

An individual capitalist American expects that its up to the private citizen to be charitable whereas a more socialist Canadian expects that the government will subsidize charity on their behalf. So if you approach the numbers this way:

In private donations, the average is $116 per american (300 million) and in Canada it's only $33 per canadian (33 million). If the comparision stops here, it makes Canada (and other nations look stingy).

However, in Foriegn Aid Canada gave an additional $108 per citizen in 2007 where as the United States only gave $70. Now Americans are still very charitable people, always have been, but claiming Canada is "cheap" when it comes to charity is simply ignorance. Afterall, 33 million Canadians give on average $141 compared to 300 million Americans who donated $186 per person. Now the numbers do not look so scewed.

Nobody looks at Canada as a greed filled mega power like they do the US

not to mention our good for nothing immigrant citizen babies who should be kept out of the calculating
Nobody looks at Canada as a greed filled mega power like they do the US

not to mention our good for nothing immigrant citizen babies who should be kept out of the calculating

Yeah, I know that the US govt gives much less as a portion of GDP than other countries. Just trying to point out a mitigating factor. We do more donating ourselves instead of giving money to the govt to donate.
However, in Foriegn Aid Canada gave an additional $108 per citizen in 2007 where as the United States only gave $70. Now Americans are still very charitable people, always have been, but claiming Canada is "cheap" when it comes to charity is simply ignorance. Afterall, 33 million Canadians give on average $141 compared to 300 million Americans who donated $186 per person. Now the numbers do not look so scewed. These numbers also only consider Foriegn Aid and does not consider Domestic Charities which the Canadian Government also subsidizes.

we still give 20+% more per person than canadians

we're still better
I'm totally fine with freeing the shit out of people as long as it furthers our own agenda. Screw you, you Western pussies. Russia had it right.