[PICS] Cooking Pizza with A36 steel sheet

Did you really pay ~90$ before shipping for a 16x16 chunk of 1/4 inch?
A36 Steel Plate | Midwest Steel & Aluminum

I get it by the pound locally, and keep it on hand. The last time I was there I got some plate seconds and HSS (Hollow Structural Steel). The HSS was 6" square with 1/2 inch wall.

Here's some in my garage:

The 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8" is behind that as I don't use it as much.
They are smaller pieces...

I keep the big stuff off site in storage.

Remove mill scale with a flap wheel on an angle grinder or just a grinding disk. You can get fancy and use a paint stripping wheel too.

The best way chemically is muratic acid, but not necessary.

For your application you'll need to bake it hot and stupid to make sure all the gook is cooked out of it before you even think of putting food on it.
It's probably not toxic. Probably.

At least it's not galvanized. Zinc fumes and you're going to have a bad time.
Metal fume fever - Wikipedia

Steel mills will coat sheet steel with oils during manufacture before they roll it up for transport. Then the rolls get transferred to a cutting facility where giant rollers straighten it before giant sheers cut it to size. Some manufacturers have their own cutting tools while some places simply cut it.

I'm guessing he got it someplace like I linked earlier, just a shop with shears, but it still has whatever oils and crap in it from manufacturing that needs to be cooked out.

Guys that repair aluminum machine parts will bake them in an oven for hours to get all the shit out of the 'pores' so they can weld it. Steel is more forgiving but can still have same contaminants.
This solution is about 70% vinegar. It smells horrible! Like vinegar and rust. I was grimacing the whole time doing this. When Id scrub it with the steel wool rust flakes would come off the surface and I could see clean metal under. I do this all while it's still submerged. There was a lot more rust ect than I thought there would be.


This is the old vinegar bath after a few days with the sheet steel:


After all surfaces were scrubbed while it was submerged, I quickly washed it off in the sink then put it in another bag with clean soapy water.


For taking it out of the water I had to dry and bake quickly because it starts to rust immediately. I had a space with towels to lay it on, and more to the side to dry it with. After hand drying it put it in a 200F oven for 8 mins and it was bone dry, then quickly slathered it with avocado oil to bake at 490F for 50 mins, leave to cool for hours.

The smoke it created was awful. Thick but did not set off the smoke alarm strangely enough. I had to vent the whole place, all fans going.


Im now baking it a 2nd time and there was so much smoke I had to read a book outside. After it cools I want to sand the surface a bit because the seasoning done this has beaded up in some areas. After that Ill try to make pizza with it.

I think the baking steel is very dangerous and should not be used by women and children. If you were to hold it vertically and drop it, it would easily cut toes off and it's a smooth surface to hold onto. I've developed this whole discipline with carrying it would in front of me with n edges facing down. If these become popular it's going to be even worse than deep fried turkey disasters.
reggs where is ur ice cream method

2 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
5 egg yolks
This stabilizer mix: https://www.amazon.com/Avacream-Ice-Cream-Stabilizer-Mix/dp/B01FIILGR4

1 tsp powdered milk
dash of salt
[Any flavorings or sweeteners]

I also started to make tea based ice creams. My first was thai ice tea:


I've made earl grey too. I just warm the milk with all the loose tea, then strain it and use condensed milk for sweetener.

I also make pistachio ice cream with pistachio paste:
ya fire up that oven to volcano levels and leave it in for longer than you should ...
I'd want to make sure all impurities are baked off.
u got one of those electric churning mcgees or u hand churn?

I have an electric one with a freezer bowl the ice cream churns in. All are loud to operate, but if you chill the ice cream slurry prior to freezing it wont need to churn for long at all. I got into it mostly because I wanted to make low sugar ice cream. You end up saving a lot of money. If you look at the price per Oz of ice cream at the store it's obvious they fluff or aerate the ice cream to increase the vol but not the weight. Ice cream, like cereal, is an overpriced sugar filled scam.

ya fire up that oven to volcano levels and leave it in for longer than you should ...
I'd want to make sure all impurities are baked off.

The surface is tacky to the touch now and there were hours of smoking. This is a lot more messy than I thought it would be. Lots of surface area I guess. I think Ill just keep it in the oven for a few weeks before I start to use it so it gets baked and rebaked often.