[pics] bands that made it that are not sexy

The Donnas (scroll down for pic...you have been warned)

JustinCase said:
wow this thread is gay

I can see kapion discussing how hot male bands are, while drinking a mocha latte with his metro friends from Express

I saw a new store named MetroPark. I laughed when I saw it. I was shopping for clothes and was desperate and almost went in but there was almost a repellant nature to the store and I couldn't get past it.
dunno fi you have seen the donnas lately, but they seem to look *alot* better :) bass player is a bit chub though.
I'd like to take this time to say that Coldplay sucks.

EDIT- And the two middle Donnas would be fine after a beer or two.
-]DoW[-RedDeath said:
weren't the donnas mostly good looking a few years ago?

When they are made up and airbrushed and put on a small TV screen surrounded by MTV video effects, they've been able to fool me for sure.
like it's been said before: if you can't say a man is sexy, you have some insecurity issues. Just go pump some more iron and play some more football, keep telling yourself you're not gay.

But i don't agree Kap, i think Ben Gibbard is a sexy beast.
and wtf, the donnas are hot minus the fat bass player.

Girls that rock = hot. Them being good looking is just icing on the cake.