[photoshop] Shrink Your Car


Veteran XX
Following the ongoing trend on various car forums I decided we need our own little ps thread. So, shrink your, friend's or any car you find good potential. Shouldn't be a problem becoming a good thread, tw has so many good ps'ers.

My two attemps of my and my friend's car:


the 2nd one looks tight as fuck.

the only problem is the shit you can see when you look through the wheels, it doesn't match what is suggested by the body of the car.
Tribalbob said:
the only problem is the shit you can see when you look through the wheels, it doesn't match what is suggested by the body of the car.

Ahem, never even thought about that. Good point, altho in the 2nd pic the area of the wheels are unedited and in natural size.

We need sideview pics of your CARS tw.
SpicyMcHaggis said:
is that a red silvia and a black e36 m3?

Good call. Both are Silvia s14 Kouki (sr20det), 1st one has stock aero parts and the 2nd one has Do'luck aero parts.