Petition to get Rayn to take TW off life support for good

Let TW die?

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Super Genius
Veteran XX
It is time. She had a good run, but Vanster is right, no one left here gives a damn to try to help save her, we should just let her go. Let her die with tribs.

What say you?

Yay or Nay?
Is this how you're trying to escape your dumb arguments now?

good one pedo.

and please, whichever choice you choose, if you could take a moment to post why you chose what you chose, that would be great.

I think we've been clinically dead for atleast 5 years now.
defibrillators have ran out of juice, lights are out from the whole hospital and it's under demolish threat. . .anyways I'll be back tomorrow.
It is time

Time to say goodbye

all we do is nigger jokes and mean words to one another

best to just put us out of our self inflicted misery instead of crying about it forever


kill it on February is best time

we can't even laugh at our own blackface history tribute logo anymore

it hurts too much and too often

the pain is real.......them tears justify it
i would just tell the pussies to stay on discord

but for some reason that echo chamber isn't enough for them

they have to spread their crying over here QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
i mean seriously, i can't imagine why people like cael and amadeus would want to keep this cesspool of free speech open any longer. they hate free speech, because it makes them angry, it hurts their feelz, they most certainly need a safe space from all of this blatant, malicious hate speech, don't you?

rip tw 1999-2019
you guys are so dramatic

tw is doing fine

we got funds for the foreseeable future

and im sure we can raise more in time to keep the bill collectors away
lol don't change your minds now, it's too late for that. this bitch is sunk. it's not just about the money, it's about a lot of things. the ads fucking up, rayn not giving a shit to fix it, people doing nothing but trolling content creators, complaining about everything but not doing a damned thing to change it, the supposed owners and mods of the tw discord openly saying they hate tw and never really come here anyway. it's fucking over bro, face it. Vote Yay.
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people doing nothing but trolling content creators

as a social conservative, i identify with this as a victim but believe that its almost assuredly a figment of your imagination directed at people who aren't part of your circle jerk
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender!
they ban people who don't drink the kool aid there

ya don't say?

well, that's what you guys want, isn't it? an echo chamber where you are banned if you don't like what you hear? i mean, I realize tw is probably one of the last places that doesn't do that, but you guys are always trying so hard to end it, i figured i'd go ahead and get things started.

that way you can get banned at the_donald after a few trolls and then go join your people at r/politics to live happily ever after amongst the stupid.