[Peter Jackson] WWI Restored footage

I'll report back how many cyborg women and asian mother daughter commando duos I see
Yes, please... keep us all updated. From what I have recently learned, many of the l337 fighters from our wars were womyn.

I dunno though... this was during WWI - well before progressivism movement that lead to womyn smashing the Nazi patriarchy.
other than the historical inaccuracy of the entire front line being White british men (I learned from BF1 that at least half the front line was black women so I find this confusing) I found it to be a really interesting film that I am glad exists.

I could've watched an entire 40 hour ken burns style film of this but really quite good. It raised a lot of questions for me about the war and post-war.

also Europeans are basically the worst and im glad my ancestors left you fucking idiots behind

thats my review
I could've watched an entire 40 hour ken burns style film of this but really quite good.

came away feeling similarly.

would love to see same treatment to make other films - one on naval battles, one focusing on dogfighting, etc

glad i saw it in theater, the 3d was pretty cool. saw so many of these clips before, but seeing them colorized, increased fps, exposure normalized - was great.
I’ve gotten more interested in WW1 over the years. There was a good Hardcore History on it that made you appreciate what a meat grinder it was. Ridiculous that military leadership wouldn’t change tactics with the coming of machine guns and heavy artillery.
I want to watch this but it's not playing in any theatres nearby I can find and I don't want to get this at the "store"
I’ve gotten more interested in WW1 over the years. There was a good Hardcore History on it that made you appreciate what a meat grinder it was. Ridiculous that military leadership wouldn’t change tactics with the coming of machine guns and heavy artillery.

I'll nitpick a bit. Established military structures are designed to be conservative in nature. Forward change comes from young officers and the war inherently destroyed those men before they could get back to the rear and formulate theory (doctrine) with others as one cant see everything but can provide a piece of the picture.

There were other decisive factors that didnt care for mgs or howitzers. Most importantly communication structures and logistic trains could not exploit any gaps enemies formed as they were still very much engaging in napoleonic set piece battles. There are anecdotes I've read of broken battalions reconsolidating and seeing nothing but wide open free territory to exploit (with fresh troops) but they couldn't move up the men and material in time - or better yet get a reliable message back to the decision makers to move the pieces.

The real lesson is with increased individual lethality meant needing to give lower unit leaders more autonomy, as well as increasing logistic ability and capacity. We quantify our logistics trains to an extreme amount as we learned the importance of it as in ww1 the forward units would, if they captured a trench, generally get overrun immediately and the "stalemate" wasn't actual static but just an exercise in who wants that trench line more? You can only carry so much ammo and food forward, and stick so much supplies to be brought fuck there's a dude pissing on the floor and talking to himself this toilet post just got real weird g2g

Edit - whatever lost my thought. Anyways infelt this should have been longer. Not sure the last time I ever thought of that in a movie theater
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