Perfect Dark Online


Veteran XX
Disclaimer: This is L. Spiro on a friend’s account. The ideas and views held within this post do not necessarily portray Trickster’s views. Trickster is not liable for any damages this post may cause. Any resemblance this post may have to any person living or deceased is purely coincidental.

I often find myself considering making an online Perfect Dark or GoldenEye 007. Yes, from Nintendo 64.

So far these have been nothing more than passing thoughts, although serious ones.
I am not making promises for the future or in any way committing to such a project at this time, but I have been considering it strongly enough to make this post for opinions.

My fascination is more with Perfect Dark than with GoldenEye 007, but I know a lot of people like to stick to the original and still enjoy GoldenEye 007 more.
My question is, would an online Perfect Dark for PC (with full controller support on top of keyboard/mouse conversion) be fairly popular, or at least pretty enjoyable by a lot of people?
Or would more people like to see GoldenEye 007 online?
Or, finally, some kind of mixture, with all items/maps/characters from both games and the ability to interchange them, or to use only objects/rules from one game or the other?

What I will do if I make it:
  • Maps, objects, characters, textures, and sounds will be extracted from the ROM files and used as-is, with no “upgrading” of any kind. The maps will still be low-polygon and have the exact look and feel of the original, but with higher resolution. I feel this is important for keeping that nostalgic feel from long ago, and it decreases production time.
  • Make my own engine. The engine will be roughly tailored towards these games for an improvement in speed.
  • Match the physics/game mechanics as closely as possible. I plan to use a disassembler on the ROM and view the code for player movement/basic physics which should allow me to replicate the physics almost exactly, if not exactly.
  • Include all guns from either or both games, matching their behavioral characteristics as closely as possible. This includes even the FarSight-XR20 and Laptop guns, however there would be the option to choose which weapons are used, as in Perfect Dark.
  • Use the single-player maps in the online mode.

I would consider:
  • Adding mapping capabilities to allow players to add custom maps.
  • Adding scripting capabilities. This would imply modding capabilities.
  • Coding bots. I can not guarantee I would add bots at all, and if I did they would not have exactly the same AI routines as in Perfect Dark, but I consider it.

I would not:
  • Enhance the graphics/sounds in any way that requires modifying the original content. This is not because I care about copyrights (as I obviously don’t) but because I feel that modifying the original content simple takes away from the feel of the original.
  • Add jetpacks. I know, but sorry.
  • Add single-player to either remake. I would include the single-player maps in the online mode, but there would be no single-player mode.
  • Add slow motion. It won’t work online.

Although I still make no promises, the main thing holding me back from starting this type of project is that I don’t really know what the rest of the world likes.
Of course, my projects are for my own entertainment, but if no one else is playing, I can’t really get much entertainment from it.
I hear people saying one rocks, the other rocks, or they both rock, but I see no dominant king.
My guess is that people would want to see both games, but with as much work as it is, hopefully I can avoid doing that by finding out if one is clearly favored over the other.

Also note that I do not care one way or the other about legal issues.
Whatever happens happens.

L. Spiro
Too bad the Goldeneye source guy burned his own house down, on purpose, while he was still inside of it.
The past is the past. Goldeneye was fucking badass, but I doubt it could rival with other games now adays. It was awesome for its time beyond thought. Now, I think it would bore after a half of a week.
So remind us again why you can't log into your own account to post this shit?
I forgot my password or the user name does not exist anymore.
I only get 5 tries and on the 5th I have to log into this account or I can’t post.

Who gives a fuck about Perfect Dark?
Let me tell you a short story.
One day I extracted all the maps from GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark.
I exported them into a basic text format that everyone could use and I made a viewer to view/manipulate them.
The Extractions and Viewer
Then someone suggested I share the work with GoldenEye Source, so off I went.
A certain person named Nickster saw my maps and decided they would be very helpful for making their maps for that mod perfect.
He asked me to join the team.

Then one day:
Too bad the Goldeneye source guy burned his own house down, on purpose, while he was still inside of it.

Well, I contributed to the GoldenEye Source mod and have no intentions of competing with them.
Certainly I will not be making my own Source engine replica.
My goal is to maintain the feel of the original, only spicing up things that do not change the original content.
So I can add fancy lighting, high resolutions, etc.

The past is the past. Goldeneye was fucking badass, but I doubt it could rival with other games now adays. It was awesome for its time beyond thought. Now, I think it would bore after a half of a week.
I am not sure.
I still play Perfect Dark a lot, and look at Tetrinet 2.
I am planning something fairly simple such as that, so it will be something people can just start up and play a few rounds and leave.

And given how many people I still see on boards talking trash over who is the best of all time in either game, I think there is definitely a target audience still up for it.

L. Spiro
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I played perfect dark today, weird timing. I'd love this, so will 99% of TW, they just won't admit to it. For a short period anyway. I wouldn't recommend starting on this unless your main motivation behind it is creating it for your own enjoyment, as I imagine you'll get nothing but strife from everyone else.
i wouldn't play it. i hated goldeneye/007.

i also didn't have an n64 or play it on a regular basis. aka i sucked.
the single player in perfect dark zero wasn't all that great, i agree.

however, the multiplayer (not coop) was a lot of fun - especially the infected gametype.
I don't play Goldeneye or Perfect Dark anymore, mainly because I'm too lazy to get the N64 out. And, besides, I have no humans to play the multiplayer with.

If you were to make this I'd probably play it, assuming it would be freeware.

IMO, the Perfect Dark multiplayer was far better than the Goldeneye multiplayer.
I would be up for the last option that allows you to mix things from the games. Facility and Temple are in PD, after all.