People in your office: The smelly asshole "non-conformist" IT attention whore

writes his own charcter sheet roller for d&d ... for each of the rule set Editions.

yea .. i think i worked with this dude too.
Ya see, that's the hard part isn't it. If this were just some douche at school or whatever, I wouldn't have a problem dealing with it. But I work with this... person, and I can't just tell him to grow the fuck up. I've told him I don't care about all his anime crap, and I've patronized him for some of his other attitudes, all to no avail :(

I think its time for the Thailand's Capitol joke.
I worked with this guy two jobs ago.

My last job, and now this job don't have this guy. The whole IT staff are either drunkards or older or both.

Mondays are a lot of fun because half the office is hung over.
Geck, that wont work.

He'd have to touch the slob's keyboard, and staff infections can be flat deadly. Not "Sars deadly" I mean "anything that consumes food and oxygen in Australia deadly".
heh i love the fact that my office is my car and my house, and my headquarters is several hundred miles away and my closest boss is several hundred miles the other way. oh yeah and i set my own hours. It rocks :)
heh i love the fact that my office is my car and my house, and my headquarters is several hundred miles away and my closest boss is several hundred miles the other way. oh yeah and i set my own hours. It rocks :)

I'm guessing sales, which makes me feel.. shit, I dunno. One of those girl emotions. Putty or something.
I'm guessing sales, which makes me feel.. shit, I dunno. One of those girl emotions. Putty or something.

Yeah its sales. Its extremely easy. I work for a credit card processor and i just walk into appointments my company set for me, look over a business owners statements, show them how much i can save them, sign the papers and make several hundred dollars for a hours worth of work, plus monthly residuals off the business.
Here is what you do. You go buy a basket, fill it with soap, deodorant, shampoo maybe some mens cologne. Also you could put a gift card in there for some new cloths. Put said basket on his desk when hes not looking or not around. Hopfully he will get the hint.

We did this to a few people back in school. Yeah you spend like 30 bucks, but its at least worth the laugh.
You should also include a card that says, "You smell like a bag of old, sweaty ass. Please use this stuff promptly."
Geck, that wont work.

He'd have to touch the slob's keyboard, and staff infections can be flat deadly. Not "Sars deadly" I mean "anything that consumes food and oxygen in Australia deadly".

Yeah not to mention ass taint and nose pickings on the keyboard.
So you've got a lonely fat guy who has never stopped rebelling against his parents, jacks off to anime porn all the time because he can't find himself a girlfriend then doesn't shower, and plays videogames because his life is devoid of adventure by his aformentioned inability to work his fat off. And he's an attention whore to boot, so he doesn't care.

Been there. The best thing you can do is ignore his presence until you need him. He will either get it, then ask why you hate him (at which point he might care enough to, say, shower regularily). Otherwise, he will slowly descend into a state of complete dementia and go off somewhere and die.

The other option is to get him a gift basket, filled to the brim with all kinds of cleaning products. Have a card signed by everyone that says "please" on it.
Yeah its sales. Its extremely easy. I work for a credit card processor and i just walk into appointments my company set for me, look over a business owners statements, show them how much i can save them, sign the papers and make several hundred dollars for a hours worth of work, plus monthly residuals off the business.

:O Where can I get a job like this