[PC] Intruder on Steam is the most fun FPS I've played in years


Veteran XX
Intruder is a team based tactical multiplayer game with a very spy Vs. spy atmosphere. It's most definitely a thinking man's game.

You can't text chat with players. Only talk in your vicinity, or into a walkie talkie which means all of your team plus those in the vicinity can hear you. And there is no mini map/marking of enemies.

What this means is that your team has to communicate to know what's going on, but that has to be negotiated with how close by you expect enemies to be because you can give away your position. You can also talk to the enemy and manipulate them if they believe your are a team member. Last night I caught an enemy in the women's bathroom of our base and called him a faggot knowing he would be able to hear me mocking him. It's a lot of fun.

You have different nades, camera on a stick to look around corners, decoys, you can fake death to trick people, and booby trap places. People employ different strategies all the time so every game feels very different from the last. This is so much of the appeal, anything different can and does happen with each game so things are never really routine.

Of course, the game has not sold well because it looks like shit. I am not bothered by this at all because the graphics are very clear to see. Its easy to pick out a player with no wild textures and bump mapping. The game has gotten a lot more players since it came out on steam, and many of the guys who got it 5 years ago are still dedicated players. Everyone who plays this game prefers it Rainbow Six: Siege. I do too and I've played over 100 hrs on Siege.

The game is fun because people tend to talk a lot, team work makes the difference, and with the mechanics of the game it leads to a lot of fun and funny events. Very many tense and funny moments. Highly recommended.

Intruder on Steam

The ultimate spy-vs-guards simulator. Carefully sneak your way to the objective as Intruders or use the wide variety of tactical gadgets to trap your opponents as Guards. Intruder allows for stealth, teamwork, and environmental interactions never before seen in a multiplayer game.

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It's in Early Access. When they refer to Alpha testers, those are the people who have been playing before it was on Steam. I've played 40 hrs so far it froze about 4 times for me.
I normally would not like it, but the community is better than most. There are a few xbox live-esq teenagers, but all players have a "reputation" based on up or down votes other players give, so if you see a team with a -49 reputation play just avoid the team.

The gameplay mechanics make this game feel very different from others, but the communication is what makes the game unlike any other FPS I've played. Winning is based on strategy and communication rather than twitch reactions. Have not played a game that feels similar.
I havent used the steam thing to connect with other players. When I play later on Ill look for you. This would make a great TW group game.
and defeat vanster and his merry band of cucks?

I don't have any friends. If you want, I can install Tribes-- I wasn't great, but I've never heard of you, and the temptation to throw you into the bin of "all talk" T1 players is awful.
remember Spy vs Spy on the Amiga, it was so much fun

I had the Island Caper on a Commodore. It was a great two player game. You had to promise not to look. lol
