Paul Pelosi

I must be the only moron on tw that really doesn’t give two shits about this story? Even if Mr Pelosi answered the door while having a cock up his ass i couldn’t give less of a shit about it.
well, duh, it's not Mr. Pelosi that we care about, it's the fact that once again the mainstream media and the government insisted on lying about things to cover up for elites.
It was the immediate mislabeling for political gain during an election cycle of the alleged perpetrator as far right fanatic that made this a big story to watch. Plus it was that bitch’s husband.

Seeing that video raises many questions and pretty much debunks the initial accusations. Such a weird video.
Who is Olive????

From the footage, it looks like, to me, that the police have been there before.

And they have to use a codename for someone.....hummmmm....

It reminds me of the time I went to work on a house in a very affluent neighborhood and the inside was just completely trashed. Like, neurotic trashed with dead cats and newspapers and everything. Then it struck me that although people may be rich and successful, they still have those internal habits.
After watching that video I was like this looks staged. Its like average people making a dumb video with bad acting. Awkard as fuck and didn't make any sense.
I thought this was a pretty decent explanation...
anyone want to dispute it?

ok I'll bite I'm a bit bored while waiting for the election fraud cases to work through the courts.

This is my best Paul Pelosi defense I can muster.

-Guy prolly believed in Pelosi commie shit and got disillusioned; has been on the edge for awhile (history/living conditions)
-He was hired by them once for ... don't know if he felt a connection to Paul.
-He broke in, that's clear. We don't know what security/capital police/cameras on property,, i mean he is Pelosi's RICH hubby.... but I'm here to defend Paul. The guy broke in with the hammer.
-Maybe Paul had a drink in his hands relaxing, almost in bed... you should see how i parade around in my house.
-Hears and finds this guy in his house... and engages in the only thing this type of person knows how to do, conversation <prolly not a gun in this dimo ca house???>. He establishes a connection and the guy relaxes demanding to talk to the queen.
-Paul keeps talking him down while managing make the call to the Police... whatever excuse he gave.... maybe he said he had to call about the alarm that's supposed to be going off?????? but I'm here to defend Paul
-Police come and he's a bit off still not wanting to give away to the guy that he's in on wanting help from the police... nervous about a guy with a hammer.. he puts his hand on the hammer to stop a quick reaction crazy...
-Police say drop the hammer... ? Ah.. Paul doesn't want to take his hand off the hammer at this point and crazy ain't lettin' go.
-Paul thinks 'if i run at the police they'll shoot me'... so he makes a break for the back,,, turning his back to the guy and gets bonked...

Holding his drink the entire way down and not spilling a drop

I think it really centers around..Really? This guy has this little of security?
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ok I'll bite I'm a bit bored while waiting for the election fraud cases to work through the courts.

This is my best Paul Pelosi defense I can muster.

-Guy prolly believed in Pelosi commie shit and got disillusioned; has been on the edge for awhile (history/living conditions)
-He was hired by them once for ... don't know if he felt a connection to Paul.
-He broke in, that's clear. We don't know what security/capital police/cameras on property,, i mean he is Pelosi's RICH hubby.... but I'm here to defend Paul. The guy broke in with the hammer.
-Maybe Paul had a drink in his hands relaxing, almost in bed... you should see how i parade around in my house.
-Hears and finds this guy in his house... and engages in the only thing this type of person knows how to do, conversation. He establishes a connection and the guy relaxes demanding to talk to the queen.
-Paul keeps talking him down while managing make the call to the Police... whatever excuse he gave.... maybe he said he had to call about the alarm that's supposed to be going off?????? but I'm here to defend Paul
-Police come and he's a bit off still not wanting to give away to the guy that he's in on wanting help from the police... nervous about a guy with a hammer.. he puts his hand on the hammer to stop a quick reaction crazy...
-Police say drop the hammer... ? Ah.. Paul doesn't want to take his hand off the hammer at this point and crazy ain't lettin' go.
-Paul thinks 'if i run at the police they'll shoot me'... so he makes a break for the back,,, turning his back to the guy and gets bonked...

Holding his drink the entire way down and not spilling a drop
I never really cared about this shit from the beginning, but as soon as the commies started talking, I knew their position was fabricated bullshit. I immediately disregarded everything they claimed and just took a gut-feeling position.

It had weird faggot vibes, but after listening to the 911 call, I can safely agree with pretty much everything you said and retract my incorrect assumption that it was a fag-lover situation. Paul seemed to be calm and collected, trying to play it cool while not triggering the psycho, but at the same time, trying to press the need for police to the retard 911 operator (holy shit, this bitch was dumb). I was going to post something similar, but you saved me the time.

p.s. If any of you haven't listened to the 911 call. Please do so. There is some obnoxious computer calling out the time while Paul is speaking, which is fucking egregious and the woman is bottom-of-the-barrel retarded. Paul is lucky the cops were called at all.
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id like to know how many times the Pelosi house has called 911 in the past. 'O, its just Olive drunk again, beating on her beta husband'
ok I'll bite I'm a bit bored while waiting for the election fraud cases to work through the courts.

This is my best Paul Pelosi defense I can muster.

-Guy prolly believed in Pelosi commie shit and got disillusioned; has been on the edge for awhile (history/living conditions)
-He was hired by them once for ... don't know if he felt a connection to Paul.
-He broke in, that's clear. We don't know what security/capital police/cameras on property,, i mean he is Pelosi's RICH hubby.... but I'm here to defend Paul. The guy broke in with the hammer.
-Maybe Paul had a drink in his hands relaxing, almost in bed... you should see how i parade around in my house.
-Hears and finds this guy in his house... and engages in the only thing this type of person knows how to do, conversation. He establishes a connection and the guy relaxes demanding to talk to the queen.
-Paul keeps talking him down while managing make the call to the Police... whatever excuse he gave.... maybe he said he had to call about the alarm that's supposed to be going off?????? but I'm here to defend Paul
-Police come and he's a bit off still not wanting to give away to the guy that he's in on wanting help from the police... nervous about a guy with a hammer.. he puts his hand on the hammer to stop a quick reaction crazy...
-Police say drop the hammer... ? Ah.. Paul doesn't want to take his hand off the hammer at this point and crazy ain't lettin' go.
-Paul thinks 'if i run at the police they'll shoot me'... so he makes a break for the back,,, turning his back to the guy and gets bonked...

Holding his drink the entire way down and not spilling a drop

iirc, the glass was broken from the inside - Glass shards outside. Depepe didn't break in otherwise there would be security footage released.
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If this is what goes on Paul Pelosi's private life, just imagine the sick things family man Pete Buttigieg does behind closed doors.
iirc, the glass was broken from the inside - Glass shards outside. Depepe didn't break in otherwise there would be security footage released.

I thought there were shards on both sides of the patio door. Could break it in and claw it out to make the hole????
I cannot dispute it because I didn't read it.

I understand
If you could come back at me
about anything more important than Pelosi BS
IF you could actually own me
You would
But you can't


Your globalist cheating is pulling us back into endless wars
PUT the Fucking UKRAINE flag back in your sig you fucking traitor
ya sure bud, and we 'landed' on the moon.

anyone can make surveillance footage, hell, i can get you surveillance footage of willy C sucking dick by 2 o clock today