Parenting 101

I was implying that you probably do not have kids because you are very opinionated on the subject and sure of yourself.
Yes, dipshit. I know what you were implying, but it was based on the premise that I suggested all kids are the same. I wasn't and didn't.

We weren't talking about ALL KIDS. We were talking about a little girl scratching her brother's eyes intentionally. This type of behavior should be dealt with by first telling her no firmly and then immediately followed up by gently flicking her fingers and raising your voice even more if she continues. She will probably cry. You walk away. It instills behavior that isn't tolerated and that crying won't make up for it.

It isn't rocket science. Liberals all seem to think 6-year-old should vote in elections, 4-year-olds can know what sexual orientation/gender they are, and 2-year-olds will figure it out and become perfect. It's clearly mental retardation and the obvious reasons that liberals' children (especially from single mothers) have the most psychological issues and violent tendencies.
Damn this thread was just me having some fun... Take it easy bros

I know how to discipline the little rascals. 18 months is a finicky age but that also makes the little bastards fun. She's in that stage where she doesn't give a fuck and everything is fun, including me raising my voice and smacking her hand. I'm not gonna hit her hard enough to make her cry (yet) but maybe her little brother would :-D
They are never too young to bring out the
I can only imagine how idiotic and emasculated the rest are...

:lol: You think you need matching tattoos to be able to have someone love you or show that you love them.

What a faggot.

at some point in your life your will look back and realize how retarded you were for the first 40 years.