[paper]10 Pages in one night?

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Veteran X
Have any of you pulled off 10 or more pages in one night? I have an APA paper that is due Monday morning that is at least 10 pages on a health behavior modification. I have yet to start and will be hosting a kegger later this evening.

Am I fucked?

PS I have some 30mg adderall xr laying around ;)
I've done more than that in a night. It just takes an ability to sift through books quickly and regurgitate it. I usually do my classes with portfolio's ranging from 25-30 pages in a weekend.
I've done 15 pages in one night starting at around 3pm. It'll be tough what with the drinking and all the previous night.
I've done 15 pages in one night starting at around 3pm. It'll be tough what with the drinking and all the previous night.
Yeah I plan on limiting my drinking tonight because I want to have sex with multiple women and that whole paper the next day thing. I think I'll avoid hard liquor this evening because that ALWAYS bites me in the ass in the morning.
yeah totally possible. ive had worse. as long as i kind of know something about the topic and i am mildly interested in it i can crank it out. if im not interested it will take a day or so.
I've done a couple 5 page papers a couple of hours before the class, so 10 would be totally doable. Depends on your ability to work under pressure. Seems like some of my best work has come from last minute papers. :shrug:
Thanks for the confidence booster guys. I'll bump this thread once I get my paper back to share how well I did.
you'd be suprised how much procrastination will fuel you to finish that paper that much quickly.

like a previous poster said, its just however fast you can go through articles, book,s or websites, and take the pertinent information and form it into your own words to avoid plagurism.
i could bs a 10 page paper out of my ass if i knew what i was talking about in 4 or 5 hours.

i dont think it's the writing part that is hard. once i get assigned a paper i think about it and let it percolate for a while, and then writing is easy
dont forget to replace all font size 12 periods with font size 14 periods...they look identical but will turn an 8 page paper in a 10 page paper.

25 but double spaced and with the required diagrams

It was a little rough around the edges, but our group's presentation was the best by far.