Palin Backed Abstinence Only Sex Education

what does any of this have to do with her ability to perform the duties of the vice president?

it doesn't.

People that don't like republicans (even though they don't know what republicans are) like to dig up things that they think they can use against her.
Its common in politics, where have you been?
wall of text

look, I agree with you. Its super important and all that. Im not some religious nut, in fact im a freaking atheist. But thats what being a parent is all about - you need to teach your kids the "super important" stuff. Its your responsibility.

Don't like, lay off your responsibility, as a parent, and then let the state parent your kids. Because maybe that's best for everything. Maybe you should just hand em over to foster care if you think the state knows best. Because obviously you're unqualified.
what does any of this have to do with her ability to perform the duties of the vice president?

That her conservative christian values like abstinence only education and which repugs highly tout and want to force down everyone's throat, has shown to be a failure. And it's a failure in her own family.
what does any of this have to do with her ability to perform the duties of the vice president?

Much of federal funding for sexual education comes with the caveat that abstinence-only sex education should only be taught or at least most focused on. Many people think that abstinence-only sexual education is stupid and doesn't work. The vice president is second in line after the president in leading the federal government.


Hence to many people it's very relevant.
it isn't the school system's fault kids fuck. that's an issue that needs to be taken care of internally by each family. of course no one wants to take personal responsibility anymore it seems.
look, I agree with you. Its super important and all that. Im not some religious nut, in fact im a freaking atheist. But thats what being a parent is all about - you need to teach your kids the "super important" stuff. Its your responsibility.

Don't like, lay off your responsibility, as a parent, and then let the state parent your kids. Because maybe that's best for everything. Maybe you should just hand em over to foster care if you think the state knows best. Because obviously you're unqualified.

Yes I agree that parents should talk to their kids about sexual education unabashedly and honestly. However that isn't an argument against teaching sexual education in schools. Considering only a minority of parents have any significant biological education, they're not even qualified to give a correct biological explanation of what goes on. So really parents should be there to help their kids, but the schools should definitely teach the subject the supplant that knowledge.
So because their parents didn't take care of their parental responsibilities we should just let these teens fuck up their lives with teen pregnancies or force some criminally retarded medieval doctrine down their throats.That's definitely an improvement.
Much of federal funding for sexual education comes with the caveat that abstinence-only sex education should only be taught or at least most focused on. Many people think that abstinence-only sexual education is stupid and doesn't work. The vice president is second in line after the president in leading the federal government.


Hence to many people it's very relevant.
not only do i think that you're misinterpreting the roles of the vp and pres in the executive branch, but i think that with the state of your federal spending and gasping economy, the importance of whether schools hand out condoms to horny, stupid teenagers would fall into the "irrelevant" column.

from an outsider's perspective, it just seems like the typical "dirt digging" partisan bullshit and takes away from important issues that people should be concerned with.
That her conservative christian values like abstinence only education and which repugs highly tout and want to force down everyone's throat, has shown to be a failure. And it's a failure in her own family.
i think we'd both be silly to suggest any method of sex education would prevent teen pregnancy entirely.
Considering only a minority of parents have any significant biological education, they're not even qualified to give a correct biological explanation of what goes on.

Wait wait wait. Parents - people who by the very definition of the word are professionals in the act of making babies - are not qualified?

What the fuck, dude. Sex is not that complex. Its not rocket science, here.
not only do i think that you're misinterpreting the roles of the vp and pres in the executive branch, but i think that with the state of your federal spending and gasping economy, the importance of whether schools hand out condoms to horny, stupid teenagers would fall into the "irrelevant" column.

from an outsider's perspective, it just seems like the typical "dirt digging" partisan bullshit and takes away from important issues that people should be concerned with.

Misinterpreting what? The vice president is second in command. If the president goes, the vice president leads. That's all I said....what the hell did I misinterpret? I could have said that the vice president has a very prominent position in influencing the president (which is almost certainly true), but I didn't even say that. What I said is legally totally correct. Are you arguing otherwise?

And it's not one of my top issues, but to claim that it isn't an issue to some people is ridiculous. It definitely has some importance when it comes to being vice president. Different people focus on different things. I would probably put the economy and government spending above this, but I do think it's important to "hand out condoms to horny, stupid teenagers" because I don't want those stupid teenagers to have fucking kids and I want the population to be less afflicted by sexually transmitted disease.

Of course some people use it as "dirt digging", but many do consider it a very legitimate concern when considering voting for a McCain/Palin ticket.
Of course some people use it as "dirt digging", but many do consider it a very legitimate concern when considering voting for a McCain/Palin ticket.

Why, did Palin sign off on this teen pregnancy before it happened?

lol, you're an idiot.
Wait wait wait. Parents - people who by the very definition of the word are professionals in the act of making babies - are not qualified?

Wait are you telling me that the first time you stuck your dick in a girl's vagina you magically gained the biological understanding of the processes involved?


But even ignoring that. To make you happy I'll change my stance accordingly: all parents are professional biologists. But now you still haven't made an argument why teaching sexual education in school is a bad thing.
Wait wait wait. Parents - people who by the very definition of the word are professionals in the act of making babies - are not qualified?

What the fuck, dude. Sex is not that complex. Its not rocket science, here.

1/2 this place doesnt think pre-cum will get a girl pregnant
Misinterpreting what? The vice president is second in command. If the president goes, the vice president leads. That's all I said....what the hell did I misinterpret? I could have said that the vice president has a very prominent position in influencing the president (which is almost certainly true), but I didn't even say that. What I said is legally totally correct. Are you arguing otherwise?

And it's not one of my top issues, but to claim that it isn't an issue to some people is ridiculous. It definitely has some importance when it comes to being vice president. Different people focus on different things. I would probably put the economy and government spending above this, but I do think it's important to "hand out condoms to horny, stupid teenagers" because I don't want those stupid teenagers to have fucking kids and I want the population to be less afflicted by sexually transmitted disease.

Of course some people use it as "dirt digging", but many do consider it a very legitimate concern when considering voting for a McCain/Palin ticket.

Also, the VP breaks ties i the Senate. So she could potentially have a say in legislation passing (probably not, but don't overlook this duty that a VP has).