OTC Treatments for Nausea


Veteran X
What do you find helpful when you have nausea?

I recently had VNS surgery and had the device turned on Tuesday (Thread here) and one of the side effects is nausea for about 6-10% of people. I've been getting this something terrible on/off for the past few days, usually after eating something. Pepto-Bismol has not helped at all.

When I goto the pharmacy this morning, what else can I pick up to try until I talk to my doc on monday?
I would say you could try dramamine, although that's mostly for motion sickness, but it still might help. And when in doubt, ask the pharmacist, he/she is there to assist you in finding the right medicine for the given situation.
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now bam normally that would be a good choice, but do you understand the reason people get vns surgery?
weed is the last thing he needs
Drunk? that should help or at least explain away your spontaneous chundering.

I think even sipping a beer right now would make me puke :sick:

Also I'd prefer not to get stoned right now unless the nausea was unbearable. I will talk to the pharmacist about dramamine though, gracias.
Gravol :shrug: Always worked for me.

Marijuana. Seriously, it will help.

Yup, it is really effective, this is the one thing that blows the governments "it's not medicine" right out of the water, it really works great, saved me a trip to intensive care.

You can get a doctor's note and go to the weed store in CA.