Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria

Remember when Anubis fell in love with the German butch dyke truck driver and tried to feed her soup? I bet he put gonnakakas in that shit.
people should be looking at this as an opportunity to disrupt gonorrea. instead of saying, "OMG antibiotics don't stop gonorea" they should say, "OMG what else stops gonnorea?"



have they tried that?

u can't drink in ur pee hole, but you can drink with your mouth and put a lot of things in there.
3 out of 4 new cases of HIV in Europe are coming from refugees now

just like with return of bedbugs, tb, leprosy, to any avian or swine flu we have seen in the states (all from abroad or brought with travelors) of course the same is going to be said for STD's

that article above, or another i read just like it, says that there are already several incurable STD's in Spain, Portugal, and in high immigration areas that used to be readily cured with penicillium but now can't be. Are now all but immune to any conventional treatments.

I feel like there is a lesson to learn here. Something else that can and should be said for global policy. But I like nut on the inside.......condoms are for crackas


fuck like rome is burning down