Open Source Tribes 1 using V12 engine

Sir Lucius said:
Yeah, but you have to think about how popular a tribal clone would actually be. Plus if a lot of stuff rides on borderline copyright, like a "spinfuzer" then it might be a bad idea to try and charge money for it.

Just call it a spinner or something. I mean, Unreal Tournament has a disc launcher basically (secondary fire of the razor gun thing).
Not meant in a flame-like manner, but why bother?

If you really want to play T1, just play T1. Back when I played T1, I did it for the gameplay, not for the graphics.

You can still play all the T1 you want, without having to slave away over recreating the wheel.
this isn't writing a game.

this is a TC. The engine is done.

There isn't even any single player

you are looking at 3 maybe 4 months to basic playable alpha, then the interest will rise sharply along with the number of people who are willing to help.

CRC has a point here. Basically, it would just be like writing a TC to Tribes 2 directly, with every bit of artwork and every bit of GUI/maps/models all changed.

But here is the striking difference. With the V12, we also have the freedom to modify with greater control, the physics and other bits of code.
Now this is interesting..

Here is what one of the employees said,
The demo is just an executable, some scripts, and some sample art assets. Modding (editing scripts, adding new art) the demo will allow a pretty wide range of games to be created but it will not give you the full flexibility that being able to change the source code for the engine would. For example, creating a space sim with the demo would be close to impossible. However, if you are doing a first person shooter with structures and terrains then it would be a fairly simple mod.

My only question is, is this 'demo executable' still protected under the license agreement?
xgalaxy said:
Now this is interesting..

Here is what one of the employees said,

My only question is, is this 'demo executable' still protected under the license agreement?

AFAIK, the license still holds true. Otherwise, what would be the point?
<i>By Tim Gift ( on GG site ):</i>
If all your going to do is mod the V12, then you don't need to purchase the V12 engine. We'll be releasing the v12 "demo" executable for free, along with all the tools, shortly after we release the V12 source.


Holy shazbot. That would do for an alpha.
That ^ actually sounds interesting. The only problem I see is that any "mod" of that demo would need a master server I would imagine. Thats the catch. You need to provide some infrastructure. Also I would imagine GG would want to distribute it, but I don't know. Worth looking into.
I 3D model using RayDream. I'd say that I'm pretty good at it. I might be interested but when school starts I'm kinda limited on time.

What language do programmers need to know?
Ok... since nobody is stepping up to the plate to purchase the engine... let's say I buy/download it this evening. Then what ? Lets hear some solid plans... logistsic of gathering a team and working across great distances. How will communications and meetings be held ? I am sure not many of us can afford a cross country 3 hour dev. meeting on the phone once a week. How will other aspects of the dev. process be conducted ?

Just looking to see what ideas are out there. I have my mouse on the " Buy " button, but I think we need some more solid planning.

So, does the engine use the same scripting language as T2?

I'm guessing if that's true, then T2 scripters would be very useful.
The Engine does use the exact script language from what I hear. Someone at GG posted that he was able to copy and paste D scripts into V12 and it operates just like T2. <--- I relayed that in simplistic terms, but you get the idea.

well, I think it could be pretty cool.

I say check the license pretty closely, to be sure it allows for unlimited *free* distribution and modification of the game, and if so... go nuts. :)
Well I suck at C, but work in Max and various graphics and vid apps quite well. Not sure if it would be worth my $100 to do it. Nobody I know has any knowledge of C either. I guess it would be a place to start and learn.

so, besides a T1 clone, what would be a good game?

I'm thinking a racer-type game with weapons could be cool over such a huge terrain area.

A motocross madness type game could be really easy, though the ground/vehicle collison code was never very good in the engine.

The people making the Paintball TC should just get the engine.

The engine would support maps like CS and Quake... all indoors. So those types of games could be done.

Hard to think of a good game type that hasn't already been done to death.

deer hunter 12? :)

luge madness? :)