Open Beta - Petition to release it through p2p


Veteran X

Please, when you release the demos and/or the open beta testing, use some form of p2p....or work along with the community to make this possible.

The hammering that happened to host/mirrors regarding Colosus's video was certainly an example of how intense is gonna be the downloading by the fans.

uhh, just give it to other hosts before the official announcement, instead of after like in col's movie.
Here's an ide Have sites like TW set up a "phone tree" of mirrors.
TW could have 10-20 mirrors lined up to host it, and each of those mirrors could have another one or two behind them...

On beta release day or the day before, TW gets thier hot little hands on it. BUT before releasing it to the public, they MUST have half of thier mirror list download it first. Meaning that there will be at least 6 mirrors instead of one popping up near the beginning. TW (or any other site), instead of just posting thier link and all the major download sites, could have a huge list of mirrors set up. This includes stuff like bittorrent... This would allow people to hammer more than just a few sites, and wouldn't put the mirrors in competition with the players for download bandwith at the start.
definitely use torrents. I forgot which game/demo it was, but you basically downloaded a small file which you executed and it started the 'torrent' process. So you don't need any special programs installed. Thus it's efficient and noob-friendly.

It might have been the AO trial, but I'm not 100% sure.
NTDF-Alpha said:
BitTorrent :bigthumb:

or eMule

but using ALSO mirrors, web hosts will get some of the traffic, but its far cheaper for everyone (including host owners/payers) if the users share the load.

Tycho said:
I like file planet :(

Id rather wait 30 min and download at 400k than download for 6 hrs at 50k...

Ya, lots of people dont' like it.. so I protected myself with a winky emote.

But, I too find it easy, fast and reliable to get the downloads I need. Even if I have to wait for 30min.
yeah i'm pretty sure they could only benefit the p2p idea, seen a lot of successful releases in general over that. ed2k, torrent etc. don't stand in each other's way, just have a few to seed and the shazbot gets going.
I'm willing to bet it will be a FP exclusive.

There is already a partnership with them for releasing the original games it's only a natural fit to have them host the beta when it is released.
eMOxygen said:
I'm willing to bet it will be a FP exclusive.

There is already a partnership with them for releasing the original games it's only a natural fit to have them host the beta when it is released.

that would be fudgeing gay.