Ok wtf is with this guy's hair?

Romulus said:
omg run its multiplying!!!!!!

It's a variation on a tribble...

...only this one lives on body heat.

Edit: Half hour PS hack job:

Never said it was good...
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That one was easy.
Just a screencap of a browser window in the general shape... Resized it to about the right size... Pasted it onto another layer... Transform, altered the dimensions it till it fit... Erased the parts that overlapped the hair on the original (Fitty's) pic... Blurred the join lines... Flattened the image and voila!.

What would be hard is getting that hair to look real on the second one... I might be able to manage it given enough time to experiment... but I probably won't take the time.
Hehe He looks alot like a guy I saw on cspan a few weeks ago. I dont know how any of the other guys could talk to him seriously without cracking up.
Well CNN Credits that guy to be Steven Gorevan in the Picture. He's a member of the Martian Team in charge of engineering the drilling aspects of the rovers.

here is a picture of him.


not the best pic but the only one I could find in a short time. This guy has very normal, WHITE hair not a big ball of Blond fluff on his melon.

I cannot date the pic I have here...but i dunno man that hair just doesn;t look real to me. CNN has fucked up before including letting us goatse them. I still don't thin that pic is authentic.
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Ok, for some reason I ignored the person on the right and concentrated on the guy on the left. I kept thinking to myself "his hair isn't that bad" because subconsciously I thought the person on the right was a female, with big hair. It took me two days to actually look at the person on the right, and I can definitely say without a doubt that I do not know why the fuck I replied to this thread.