Oil still leaking?


I know shok
Veteran XX
I did a couple of searches and probably missed this already having been posted, but whatever


Just wondering what people's thoughts are on this?

It's not like the media coverage has been consistent, nor has BP ever been honest about the situation, so that I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.

It also seemed a bit suspicious how quickly the 'hole' was covered and the leak was solved (as soon as the cap went down). Then again it did take 85 days for that in itself.

All in all, is it still leaking?
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while im here id like to take a second to notify tribalwar that i recently discovered i had a large penis and decided showing it to the public was good so i went to jail and now im buff and have since lost my anal virginity however i got very good at the game of chess where i defeated russian champion vladator gladator and was sent on a secret mission to space where i conquered i remembered my loyalty to tribalwar and decided to post this thread

the big penis part was true
this thread was a bust by its very nature

but if it turns out to be right i'll be bringing this shit back

ok wait

so I heard a song today and the only words in it were "I want me some bananas"

ALSO, cars SI fast



judge judy has a book called "dont pee on my leg and tell me its raining"