[official] the ethanol thread

Falhawk said:
the problem is though our entire economy is so married to oil nobody knows where you'd begin.

Oil is used for _everything_

pesticides (used in farming for corn etc)
capitol equipment (tractors, shipping)
I'm pretty sure the amount of oil used in those things is miniscule compared to the amount of oil used in gasoline.
Falhawk said:
What would be a realistic timeframe that you think a 1/5 of our nation would switch to cars that ran E85?

This would of course include gas stations that provided it

(let alone the production)
If the government really wants it done, it could be done in 10-15 years easily. But you just know the oil industry lobby would destroy any such plans.
hmm... thats a lot of crop.. lots of crop requires lots of water... sounds like a pipe dream to me...
Tribal Imperialist said:
I'm pretty sure the amount of oil used in those things is miniscule compared to the amount of oil used in gasoline.

Why are you sure of this? Where are your numbers?

Also have you figured out what it would cost for a farm to convert all of their equipment to run on an alternative fuel source (since they all use gasoline currently)

Be sure to include the cost of changing all tractor trailers over as well.
There is a station 30 miles from me that has started selling B20, B50 and B100 (blends of biodiesel + reg diesel)..wish it wasn't so far away....its going for about 2.96 a gallon which is about 5 cents more a gallon than diesel right now in my area.
Tribal Imperialist said:
If the government really wants it done, it could be done in 10-15 years easily. But you just know the oil industry lobby would destroy any such plans.

What in our nations history tells you that we could do it in 10-15 years.

That would take bipartisan collaboration that our country has never seen. Not to mention an incredible amount of money.
Reno said:
diesel rocks the shit out of gas

I'd love it if everything became diesel, but the odds of that are pretty low since everyone's a goddamned retard about things like that
What good would that do? It still requires crude to make... doesn't help our dependance issues at all.
Falhawk said:
Why are you sure of this? Where are your numbers?

Also have you figured out what it would cost for a farm to convert all of their equipment to run on an alternative fuel source (since they all use gasoline currently)

Be sure to include the cost of changing all tractor trailers over as well.
I was referring to non-gasoline uses of oil, vge

Would it make ANY sense to infer anything else from what I posted?

Come on.
Falhawk said:
What in our nations history tells you that we could do it in 10-15 years.

That would take bipartisan collaboration that our country has never seen. Not to mention an incredible amount of money.

It'll happen when people can't afford to drive anywhere anymore.
Falhawk said:
What in our nations history tells you that we could do it in 10-15 years.

That would take bipartisan collaboration that our country has never seen. Not to mention an incredible amount of money.
In 1925, we had hardly any military to speak of. In 1940, despite having gone through the worst economic recession in our history between 1925-1940, we had the most powerful military in the world.

When shit needs to get done, it doesn't take very long. Alternative fuels ALREADY have broad bipartisan support. It doesn't have oil industry support, and they are the ones bribing (err, lobbying) the politicians.
Tribal Imperialist said:
In the form of fuel, momo. The whole point of this thread is alternative fuel sources.

now you've just reduced your argument down to a point that it no longer has any meaning in this discussion.
Tribal Imperialist said:
In 1925, we had hardly any military to speak of. In 1940, despite having gone through the worst economic recession in our history between 1925-1940, we had the most powerful military in the world.

When shit needs to get done, it doesn't take very long. Alternative fuels ALREADY have broad bipartisan support. It doesn't have oil industry support, and they are the ones bribing (err, lobbying) the politicians.

the world is a much different place now than in 1925 wouldn't you say?
Tribal Imperialist said:
I'm pretty sure the amount of oil used in those things is miniscule compared to the amount of oil used in gasoline.
You don't think the millions upon millions of barrels we import daily is just to drive our cars around do you? Practically everything do or use on a daily basis required oil to fabricate or use one aspect or another. Just take a look at all the plastics you come in contact with everyday... a huge chunk is fabricated from crude.
In Brazil, every gas station contains both gasoline and ethanol. Last year, 80% of the cars produced in Brazil could take EITHER gasoline or ethanol, or some mix. They only started their ethanol program 30 years ago.