[Official] Style point thread.

pyrot3chnic said:
It's a lot easier to throw a hand nade into the proximity of the person, than it is to acctually nail him directly with a disc.
I'm talking about direct hits, where the hand nade model actually collides with the player model. Again, I might be totally off with this, but in T1 this wasn't a very common thing to happen, so I guess it's not that blatantly easy in T:V eaither.
pyrot3chnic said:
Also, if you're going to give points for flag passing, both parties should get something. When the catcher is the only one getting anything, then the carrier doesn't really have a reason to pass it. Speaking from your typical pubber's POV, I'm sure most people would rather cap and get the points for themselves, than pass and give points for both the pass and the cap to someone else.
Good call. I was thinking about it getting cheap when someone just hurls the flag in the general direction of his base and gets a point when someone's aware enough to catch it before it lands. Giving points to the passer definately encourages passing though.

Come to think of it, +1 style point can go for any kind of MA flag return or grab.
Dunno if this has been said or not, but a Mid air grapple flag grab should get the highest amount of style points......that would be amazing....
Greywolf said:
Dunno if this has been said or not, but a Mid air grapple flag grab should get the highest amount of style points......that would be amazing....

first off you can't grapple the flag anymore

second off, its really not that hard
laser sword- +1
Laser sword with back turned - +2 (only a spawner could die from this i guess)
grapple capper - +2
If I'm carrying the flag and I just about get back to base but i end up dieing to a extremely well placed disk, then a team mate picks up the flag and caps it. Current the guy who got the flag off the stand and half way back doesn't get any points what so ever. Perhaps they could put in some type of assist point system. What do you guys think?