[Official]October Smoking is Great thread

Anti-smokers are seriously the biggest pussies in the world. South Park did a great take on the issue.

Casual smoking gets a very shitty rep in North America. (any sort of smoking does, really).. there's nothing wrong with having a couple cigarettes when you drink, or at the end of a hard day to help unwind. It's sucking down a cigarette every 30-45 minutes that does people in. I've been smoking on-off for 2-3 years now, and it's never progressed past this point. Hell, I barely smoked at all for 4 months during the summer and I rarely even craved one.

If because I like to enjoy a couple smokes from time to time I end up living until I'm 86 instead of 89, I'm not going to regret a thing. The way I see it, I'd rather miss out on 3 years of pseudo-conscious-old-people-shitty-lifestyle-watching-TV-and-playing-bingo and not limit myself during the best decades of my life just because of some minor health concerns.

Fuck, by the time I'm old enough that it might matter they'll probably be able to grow new lungs anyways.

1st world Europe has one of the biggest smoking populations in the world, and yet an average life span 5 years greater than that of North America. I like to tell this to people when they bitch and moan about my deathsticks.
Fuck that. I would throw smokers in jail if I could. How dare you pollute my breathing air with your cancer-ridden breath.