[Official] Hearthstone

That looks like it was written by someone with Parkinson's disease or some other physical/mental impairment.
idk paladin divine shield spam is pretty fkin op

mage is probly tied for next op with warlock blood minion spam

pally aggro still doing okay for me. sword of justice so fun. card draw priest(consecrate/northshire/circle of healing) is also still fun even though MC is 10 now.
in the last big tourney the top 4 were all mages.






warrior and priest can heal through the set amount of mage dmg though.
People will just use more healing in their deck.

Guardian of Kings and a Brewmaster can undo a ton of damage
Practice? I think all you get is exp for leveling your guy (which rewards basic cards up until level 10, then you proceed to unlock golden basics after that).

I'm fairly certain you do not earn gold per win against AI, and you can't complete dailies either.

You do however get credit towards the 'Win 100' and 'Win 1000' Achievements, which award a lump of gold.
only reason to play AI is to get all your classes up to lvl 10. then beat all the expert ai with one class. both of these achievements award 100 gold i think.

after that, play unranked (or ranked, it doesn't matter in beta) to complete your dailies.

don't buy packs unless you really really hate arena. save up for the 150 to buy an arena ticket. you are guaranteed a pack + dust or gold for each arena run, even if you go 0-3.
i swear like 90% of the time i play priest i get north cleric :sunny:

update: i just turn cleric into 6/6 next turn with 2 card.. tee hee hee :D

update: ooofuk i was like 30 hp... then he made it 0 in 1 turn... omgomgomg :(
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Pooner Priest Deck

I put this together probably a month ago. I just played it against a Pally who ran a bunch of golden cards and he ended up surrendering once the end was neigh.

I left MC in there just because nobody expects it. This deck is not meant for higher level of play, but I thought I'd share it if anyone wanted to try it out as it doesn't require a lot of rare cards.

There are 2 Inner Fires and a Divine Shield in the deck - THIS IS NOT FOR THE WOMBO COMBO. IF the opportunity presents itself; fine. But it should not be your goal. Do not hold onto an Inner Fire while you wait to draw DS. The Inner Fire is meant to bolster the Higher HP minions:
  • Oasis Snapjaw
  • Lightwell
  • Gurubashi Berserker (if it has not suffered damage)
  • Recipient of Temple Enforcer's Battlecry or PW:S

Early Game (Turns 1-3):

Your starting hand should focus on drawing:
  • Leper Gnome
  • Mad Bomber
  • Acidic Swamp Ooze
  • Faerie Dragon
  • Shattered Sun Cleric
  • Flesheating Ghoul
  • SW:p

Standard Mulligan Rules apply. You want a play for each turn. Northshire Cleric is not a Turn 1 minion. Lightwell is not a Turn 2 minion. These two minions have the ability to win you the mid/late game, and you have plenty of cards in deck to draw for a more appropriate early game.

Mid Game (Turns 4-7):

Nearly 30% of the deck is 4-Mana minions. Most provide synergy with what remains on the board from the Early Game. Defender of Argus and Dark Iron Dwarf can buff your earlier minions to trade for your opponent's Turn 4. You typically want to set up some sort of board control that won't easily be countered.

If you have Taunts (either from DoA or Sen'Jin), a Northsire Cleric can draw you a lot of cards. Your goal should be to buff Minion's HP above AoE clears (3+ HP to survive Consecrate/Blizzard/Starfall/Holy Nova/Swipe and maybe Lightning Storm)

-Lightwell can keep minions topped off (or yourself if you suffered early game aggression), even better if a Cleric is down.

-Snapjaw and Berserker make great use of Inner Fire

-Power Word: Shield and Divine Spirit (if you didn't use them early) are great for boosting minions out of AoE-range.

-Mad Bomber (if he wasn't played early) is a great way to inflict damage to your own minions in the event you have a Northshire Cleric down, but all of your minions are at full HP.

-Flesheating Ghoul can stack up quick if he's protected behind Taunt(s), and your opponent is futilely dumping low cost minions mid-late game.

-Holy Nova is a great way to kill off a bunch of low minions. It synergizes very well with a Northshire, or Flesheating Ghoul.

Late Game (Turns 8+):

Hopefully you have an overwhelming command of the board by now. Even if you do, your opponent could still play a big minion such as an Ironbark Protector, a Giant, or a big Legendary. Shadow Word: Death and Mind Control are your only cards to hard counter this play. SW: Death can be tough to hold onto. It can very easily be burned mid-game to remove something like a Venture Co. Merc, an early Giant, Stormwind Champ, Ogre, or some other big threat.

Additional Thoughts:

Try it out. Don't feel as though you must strictly adhere to this deck. You can easily swap out cards you don't have for something else that fits the build. If you don't have a lightwell, put in another Holy Nova, or add a Lightspawn. No DoA? maybe another Yeti or Sen'Jin. The 1-2 mana cost minions are very interchangeable. try to have a 2/1 1-mana, some 3/2 2-manas, and something interesting for Turn 3. Harvest Golem is a great minion. Farseer is decent for early and late game plays. Blood Knight is an Epic, but it counters the current meta of 'play a bunch of shit with Divine Shield'.

Again, this isn't meant to carry you through ranked - it's just a low-level way to play Priest WITHOUT that stupid as fuck DS+IF on a minion with 7 HP gimmick (but if you get the chance, and your opponent lets you...).