[Official] Hearthstone

I guess i'll be the token white night

I only play at work to complete quests and quit (unless im really bored). Just by doing quests and free packs i got 30+ card packs for the new expansion and plenty of dust left over. A good arena player would double that.

I made the observation that almost everyone has golden portraits now and even at the lowest ranks. This leads me to believe there are more casuals like me who just want to trololol around with new decksand don't care about an "end game". New cards are a novelty in this game. Of course they will print more. Yeah, sure, they release more and more legendaries and power creep. This is only a problem for the newbs and blizzard does a decent job at giving some tools to start with.

There are times where blizzard actually manage to get the game right and others where they break everything. It's too early to tell with this expansion.

I also think the standard and wild arguments to be moot points. Decks from 2 years ago are still dominating wild. If you don't wanna get any new cards, wild is still a valid option.
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actually wild is dominated by the latest meta. old shit still "works" but not really.

and personally i dont care about how much they jew the game up since i manage to get all the cards anyway. though they clearly have, its honestly worse than what EA does with their games.

my problem is the cancer shit they keep tossing into the game and never balancing it... its at the point where every1 just accepts the cancer as norm now. examples: jade druid, prince rogue, dk priest.

and blizz always hides behind win rates to somehow justify cancer decks as if it were the same concept as being overpowered.
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I got lucky and rolled 2 rogue legendaries.

The rogue weapon and a quest rogue card from the look of her.

I don't have the rogue quest legendary and I didn't think it was that cool of a deck tbh, but the rogue weapon deck looks cool and I might play that for a bit.

I definitely think they're greedy shiesters who don't test their cards enough and don't care about unfun decks ruining the meta.
I logged on to take a look at the dungeon adventure thing. After a few runs I finished 8/8 and got nothing at all.

I might play it a bit more if I get bored but I honestly stopped playing HS with the old gods expansion. I don't like Blizzard's card design in regards to balance, nor their inability to fix imbalance within a reasonable time.

Eternal is more fun for me. Better mechanics. WAY more rewards in regards to earning packs/cards. Draft mode. As well as weekend events.
I play a bunch of games where people refer to meta but I really don't understand what they mean. I guessed that it was a separate game within a game but people use it for many different things
Abbreviation of Most Effective Tactic Available. Mostly used when comparing tactics in a game, but can be used in other things as well. It can change over time as new tactics are explored or can change by a change in the rules of a game or availability of new resources. In real life changes to gamerules are usually to make the game more interesting (soccer rules change for offside, usage of time compensation in some courses). In computer games this is done by patching to balance the game or fix bugs.

it can take on a more abstract form but thats too hard to explain
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most effective tactic available is a backronym, meta is a regular word

"an abstract, high-level analysis or commentary:
writing a meta to explain the character’s motivation."
The "meta" is what everyone plays around.

People expect a certain few decks to be "the meta" they are the primary competition they will face in competitive play.

The meta changes a lot during expansions and stuff and then settles down.
Newest meta is the fastest i've ever seen. Most games are decided by turn 5. Even priest has an aggressive tempo deck with the patches pirate package. Anti-aggro control decks win rate isn't high enough to validate playing them. Face decks are back too :[
This expansion really did suck. May be the nail in the coffin for me.

You can tell the game is dying when they start handing out packs for quests.
ive had some success since the expansion launch with an elemental minion mage (rank 11 to rank 6) but shudder shaman and odd paladin are super lame to play against. you either die by turn 5 or have no hope past turn 10.

cubelock is still gross but most of the degenerate netdeck types are playing odd paladin now

i like the new cards but it took less than 4 hours for people to break the game and come up with mindless aggro decks that blizzard won't even attempt to fix for another month.
I just made a shudderwok deck and can confirm its broken as fuk lol

i just need to make an odd pally cry then i will be happy
shudderwok is like original yogg

you just sit there and let it do random things to the board until you get bored and concede

interactive gameplay!