[Official] Halo: Reach BETA

wow, no comments on the generator-destroy gametype eh

I only played a few games and it was laggy, but it showed promise. There could be a lot of last minute saves by locking down the generators before /during an attack. The generators didn't give much feedback on when they were being damaged though, the first game I wasn't sure if I even knew how to damage them.

Haven't had a chance to get used to the generator or invasion maps yet but so far I like neither. Sword Base and the other have really grown on me and I'm finally getting used to the jetpack.

On a side note, I like the new armory system for armor upgrades, but I hope they release some more unique pieces. Most of H3 and ODST's armor pieces really didn't seem very different from each other.

I really like this mode. I see why they call it network test - pretty laggy. Part of me wonders if they're trying out different netcode in various matches (hence the name) because some have been really smooth while others have been unexplainably awful.