[OFFICIAL] free wow server rollcall


Veteran X
I haven't played WOW in about 7 m 1d and 4hrs so I figure it's time to get started again, but wait... a monthly fee? Awhellno.

Those of you who aren't keen on fees must unite for the common good. (Let it be known that I know nothing about these "free servers," so I'm hoping someone will tell me.) Thank you for your attention.
Best thing is to stop by #wow on tw irc. Some of us poke around on different privates. I mostly play on "Miranda's" server if im bored and play wow at all. I have chars of some type of another also on chaos, wowtrance, utgard and burning.

Private servers are not a good replacement for real wow, if that's your angle.

They are better for just fucking around, playing with hax and such. This could change down the road, but they all still have serious bugs and most get unstable quite often.