[Official] Fallout: New Vegas

Do you mean fallout 3 or New Vegas?

Fallout 3, although I finally recovered my 14 hour saved game today! My post on the Bethesda forums:

Well, I solved my loading freeze problem. Every time I started the game I was given a window of about 15-20 seconds before the game would freeze. I was in Megaton (during the day). I decided to run to the nearest building which was the Clinic, but it still froze every time I went outside the Clinic. After giving up and starting a new game today, I had an epiphany. The "wait" feature! Inside the Clinic, I pressed the back button and waited until it was night time in Megaton. I was then able to go outside without the game freezing and then made it to the Wasteland area and saved. It seems that saving within the Megaton city limits(but not within one of the homes/shops) is conducive to the game freezing up. It could be the amount of NPC characters wandering about the town during the day. The combination of their scripted functions along with the graphical stress of drawing all of the complex features of the area seems to lead to freezing. This could also be compounded by the game's autosave feature, but I'm not sure.

One other possibility is that I "warmed up" my Xbox by going through the starting phases of the game again, and physically, the Xbox machinery was able to work up to it's maximum electronic potential, if you know what I mean. Maybe, hopefully, Bethesda will figure this out and release some sort of patch that governs NPC functionality or reworks how much stress the game is able to put on the Xbox at a time. They're damn good at designing games, hopefully their customer service skills and problem solving natures can triumph the issues on the console ports! Good luck!
Meh, who knows why crashes/freezes in fallout 3 happen. If you ever get stuck and can't leave without crashing/freezing you can always type player.moveto 1fb3a in the console to teleport to deputy weld outside megaton.
how the f do you play melee in this game? guys far away shooting at you, etc.. dont you get fucked up running into melee range? and isnt there d00ds you cant get to for melee and you gotta shoot? explain this plz, cause i want to try melee later but it sounds kinda frustrating.. especially on higher difficulty settings

also, what stats/perks/etc should i be taking?
i'm still having the same problem i had with fallout3 which sucks....i can run the game at full settings but whenever I use VATS, the fps goes to all shit (when selecting different body parts to target)
Haven't ran into anything yet that requires dinari or NCR bucks, basically they're weight free means of carrying items of value.

Does anyone know how to perform a 'power attack' on the PC, I know these different unarmed moves but simply hitting back/LMB or forward/LMB does nothing.
how the f do you play melee in this game? guys far away shooting at you, etc.. dont you get fucked up running into melee range? and isnt there d00ds you cant get to for melee and you gotta shoot? explain this plz, cause i want to try melee later but it sounds kinda frustrating.. especially on higher difficulty settings

also, what stats/perks/etc should i be taking?

Lots of damage reduction as you run up and smash their skull in. I've tried to make my character with some sneak but once I got to fiend territory they were spotting me with no problem (could be my companions,) and I ended up mostly running from one kill to another.

As far as stats I would recommend:
Str - dmg and weapon req
Agi - more action points in VATS (you will be doing most of your combat in this mode)
End - makes you tougher

You might also consider becoming an alcoholic for the extra str (it will require you to replenish H20 that much more though as every drink makes you more thirsty.) The only real drawback is if you have to fight in Caesar's camp while you're in withdrawal.

As far as perks go, a couple things I played with:

Cannibalism doesn't seem worth it as a means of replenishing HP as it doesn't seem to scale to level. It might be helpful if you're looking for something to help offset your positive karma.

Ninja, while it does give an unarmed bonus, requires you to have 80 melee so you'd have to dump a lot of points in that skill just to get this one perk.
am I the only person who thinks you have way too many choices in this game?

oh you can side with these guys or these guys or these guys but they're pretty mean oh and these guys but they like little children oh and we reset your reputation despite you killing a shitton of our guys just so you can choose your destiny padawan

i haven't actually finished the game but i can predict that there are 15 different endings for each faction
am I the only person who thinks you have way too many choices in this game?

oh you can side with these guys or these guys or these guys but they're pretty mean oh and these guys but they like little children oh and we reset your reputation despite you killing a shitton of our guys just so you can choose your destiny padawan

i haven't actually finished the game but i can predict that there are 15 different endings for each faction

Yeah - I have the strat guide and the part with Primm and the Sheriff - I didn't know which choice would be the best. :(

So I just did the easiest one without much work - and it actually sorta is the better option....
But the other 3 or 4 choices sigh - too many things to do and probably miss.
Lots of damage reduction as you run up and smash their skull in. I've tried to make my character with some sneak but once I got to fiend territory they were spotting me with no problem (could be my companions,) and I ended up mostly running from one kill to another.

As far as stats I would recommend:
Str - dmg and weapon req
Agi - more action points in VATS (you will be doing most of your combat in this mode)
End - makes you tougher

You might also consider becoming an alcoholic for the extra str (it will require you to replenish H20 that much more though as every drink makes you more thirsty.) The only real drawback is if you have to fight in Caesar's camp while you're in withdrawal.

As far as perks go, a couple things I played with:

Cannibalism doesn't seem worth it as a means of replenishing HP as it doesn't seem to scale to level. It might be helpful if you're looking for something to help offset your positive karma.

Ninja, while it does give an unarmed bonus, requires you to have 80 melee so you'd have to dump a lot of points in that skill just to get this one perk.

yes when i made my unarmed combat char in fallout 3 I found myself using vats a lot because of the damage reduction while in vats mode... you would basically have to sprint from target to target spamming v to see if you're in range or not... turrets or wall mounted sentries are a bitch
Meh, who knows why crashes/freezes in fallout 3 happen. If you ever get stuck and can't leave without crashing/freezing you can always type player.moveto 1fb3a in the console to teleport to deputy weld outside megaton.

not on xbox360, just sayin
yes when i made my unarmed combat char in fallout 3 I found myself using vats a lot because of the damage reduction while in vats mode... you would basically have to sprint from target to target spamming v to see if you're in range or not... turrets or wall mounted sentries are a bitch

There's no damage reduction in VATS anymore.

There is in the sense that it teleports you from hit to hit without you having to run around and guarantees hits which then typically lead to crits and their weapon dropping.
Found fix for mouse acceleration here:
Fallout New Vegas Errors, Crashes,Freezes and Fixes

The site is fucking gay and won't let me highlight the text to copy & paste, so just go to #17

Also, I am getting incredible fps drops, down to 5-10 fps in certain areas. There is a 'fix' in that link that has you drop a d3d9.dll in your new vegas folder, but all it does it crash my game on load. Ugh.
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couple tips early game tips