[Official] Coup d'etat - Moscow

you think you think

the art of war says you should appear weak when you are strong

imagine how strong russia really is if they're making it look like they're headed towards a military coup
Hey guys!!
Have you heard that the CCP is the defacto shadow government of the ByeDone Regime? That Hunter was demanding money and threatening the ccp (ha, when he thought he had power 10 years ago.)
What may happen: alll those Russian regions start a civil war for independence.

Either way.. It's gonna be gareat, boys!

⚡️ Хватит закрывать глаза. Россия находится на грани гражданской войны

Времени уже нет: люди на улицах кормят ЧВК Вагнер, границы с Грузией вновь закрывают, а в Москве происходит человеческое безумие

Пока вы спокойно сидите дома — колонна движется на столицу. Большинство успели свалить во время СВО и сегодня строят счастливую жизнь за рубежом

Сейчас важно знать — законно покинуть страну еще можно, достаточно читать Visaвик

Там рассказывают: как обезопасить себя и своих родных, куда выехать прямо сейчас, и что делать, если вас не выпускают за границу. Подписывайтесь, эта информация спасёт вас: @visaveak

Google translate:

⚡️ Stop closing your eyes. Russia is on the brink of civil war

There is no more time: people on the streets are feeding PMC Wagner, the borders with Georgia are closed again, and human madness is happening in Moscow

While you are sitting quietly at home, the column is moving towards the capital. Most managed to get out during the NWO and today they are building a happy life abroad

Now it’s important to know that it’s still possible to legally leave the country, it’s enough to read Visawiki

They tell you how to protect yourself and your family, where to go right now, and what to do if you are not allowed to go abroad. Subscribe, this information will save you: @visaveak
The fog of war is so thick this is like when Russia first went into UK. All reporting was bullshit, every side who says something has a reason to lie. No one will know what's going on today until next month ect.

Do we know for sure that Prigozhin's men were killed with an air strike? Did it really happen in the first place? All I've read is that he's complaining about not, not that it's happened.

Putin seemed legit rattled in his speech.

I've read that Prigozhin is popular in Russia and that "the common man" is his biggest fan, singing his praises on the internet.

It seems like no one has been killed over this so far.