Official bionic spine thread.....

Like our healthcare is any better with opioid pushing doctors prescribing it like candy. Pain management is one of the biggest scams out there.

I always find the attitude toward people who take pain killers interesting. It is invariably negative: Oh you shouldn't take those, you'll get addicted. Oh those are no good, you'll never stop taking them. You should just put up with it. Why don't you do some physio/exercise - that will fix it up.

If someone is taking pills for heart problems, liver function, epilepsy, AIDS or whatever it's fine if they take them every single day for the rest of their life. It OK b/c that is what they need to enable them to keep going, continue working or whatever. But as soon as it is pain killers- Oh no, you mustn't do that. Why? Because they make you feel good is often the reason I am given. Yeah, well that is the whole friggin point. People who don't suffer from chronic pain have no concept of how debilitating it is, even mild pain, if constant, can absolutely destroy quality of life. A few hours relief every now and then is awesome.

Yes I get that they don't fix anything, just hide symptoms but if what you have isn't fixable by normal means and requires expensive or dangerous surgery and significant time away from work then it isn't always an option. Often people just cant do anything but take a pill and head off to work, and if that is what it takes then so fucking what.

Yes - this is my sperg about why I am addicted to hillbilly heroin Joop
No motor weakness at all. Just excruciating constant 24 /7 nagging pain in my neck, trapezius and right shoulder. I was there for pain management until the surgery. Nothing more to the story.

What do you think was the risk to my spinal cord?

If people have compression of the cord causing significant motor weakness, it's called myelopathy. There are multiple causes of myelopathy, but degenerative changes (arthritis) and trauma are the most common. If left untreated, you risk permanent damage to the cord because the compression causes ischemia and eventually infarction (death). If that wasn't your problem, then that's good. I hope you have a fast recovery. Spine surgery is a bitch.
If people have compression of the cord causing significant motor weakness, it's called myelopathy. There are multiple causes of myelopathy, but degenerative changes (arthritis) and trauma are the most common. If left untreated, you risk permanent damage to the cord because the compression causes ischemia and eventually infarction (death). If that wasn't your problem, then that's good. I hope you have a fast recovery. Spine surgery is a bitch.

Ruptured disc at C5/6 with sequestration, and C6/7 also bulging and pressing on nerve. The only delay in treating once all other conservative options had been ruled out was 2 days approval delay for the surgery from the insurance. 6 days from surgery recovery seems good, off all pain meds and no pain. And thanks.

Do they project a large loss of range of motion?

From what I've been told and read, little or no loss in rotation as that happens mostly above C4. Possibly some reduced range looking down chin on chest.
No motor weakness at all. Just excruciating constant 24 /7 nagging pain in my neck, trapezius and right shoulder. I was there for pain management until the surgery. Nothing more to the story.

What do you think was the risk to my spinal cord?

Dude - seriously - how stupid do you have to be to play around on a trapeze at your age. Now wonder your spine blew up.
I always find the attitude toward people who take pain killers interesting. It is invariably negative: Oh you shouldn't take those, you'll get addicted. Oh those are no good, you'll never stop taking them. You should just put up with it. Why don't you do some physio/exercise - that will fix it up.

If someone is taking pills for heart problems, liver function, epilepsy, AIDS or whatever it's fine if they take them every single day for the rest of their life. It OK b/c that is what they need to enable them to keep going, continue working or whatever. But as soon as it is pain killers- Oh no, you mustn't do that. Why? Because they make you feel good is often the reason I am given. Yeah, well that is the whole friggin point. People who don't suffer from chronic pain have no concept of how debilitating it is, even mild pain, if constant, can absolutely destroy quality of life. A few hours relief every now and then is awesome.

Yes I get that they don't fix anything, just hide symptoms but if what you have isn't fixable by normal means and requires expensive or dangerous surgery and significant time away from work then it isn't always an option. Often people just cant do anything but take a pill and head off to work, and if that is what it takes then so fucking what.

Yes - this is my sperg about why I am addicted to hillbilly heroin Joop

To be completely honest neither of us can be completely objective on this subject. You can’t be because you are using them. I can’t because I do not have chronic pain. But do you really think that pain clinics are not for the most part a sham? That they are not partially responsible for a good portion of the addicts on our streets? Growing up working in the trades (bricklayer family) I’ve seen chronic pain lead to full blown addiction. I believe doctors are too quick to prescribe opiates. Actually I know they are. Twice I’ve been offered percs and OCs, for what I considered minor pain. Perks when I had a kidney stone. Took one pill and hated the way it made me feel, so I stopped taking them and just gutted it out taking Tylenol’s till it passed in a few days. Pain was t fun but it didn’t kill me either. Other time is when I had my back lanced, I just refused them and learned to tolerate the burning pain. Neither was chronic pain, I knew there would be an end to the pain at some point. When I used to lay brick I did have weeks of lower back pain and shoulder pains, is that chronic enough? Idk but I was younger and much more stubborn and never even considered going to the doctors then. I just dealt with it by laying brick with my other hand till the shoulder felt better and avoided lifting the bluestone mantles by myself. The bluestone mantles pretty much triggered every back issue I had. That was like 20years ago, since giving up construction I’ve no longer have any pain anywhere at all.

So yeah I blame doctors and whatever it is that pushes them too push drugs.

Yep, we all have pain, and alot of us are sissies.
If someone is taking pills for heart problems, liver function, epilepsy, AIDS or whatever it's fine if they take them every single day for the rest of their life. It OK b/c that is what they need to enable them to keep going, continue working or whatever. But as soon as it is pain killers- Oh no, you mustn't do that. Why? Because they make you feel good is often the reason I am given. Yeah, well that is the whole friggin point. People who don't suffer from chronic pain have no concept of how debilitating it is, even mild pain, if constant, can absolutely destroy quality of life. A few hours relief every now and then is awesome.

Yes I get that they don't fix anything, just hide symptoms but if what you have isn't fixable by normal means and requires expensive or dangerous surgery and significant time away from work then it isn't always an option. Often people just cant do anything but take a pill and head off to work, and if that is what it takes then so fucking what.
That is not what they're supposed to do. They're supposed to temporarily reduce the pain you are experiencing, not get you high. They're supposed to be temporary.

They are not like any other medication that people take for other various conditions. They require more and more to get the same pain relieving (and high) effect, but the physiological suppression of your respiratory system is not lessened, your natural pain tolerances are weakened, etc. Before you actually know it (literally, not the phrase), you are more and more convinced that you are experiencing severe pain which requires even quicker relief, normally at a higher dosages.

Most people can be helped (surgery) or can help themselves (physical therapy). Normally they just refuse or are too lazy to follow through. They'd rather get high every once in awhile and suffer in between. I can't count how many people I see sitting hunched over a computer screens all day (overweight too) and then complaining about their back. When/if you are friends enough to them to suggest trying sit in a more ergonomic position, they scoff or make excuses.

You only get one body. Take care of it. If it's broken, try to fix it. Bandaids are temporary.
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That is not what they're supposed to do. They're supposed to temporarily reduce the pain you are experiencing, not get you high. They're supposed to be temporary.

Didn't say they get me high, I said they make me feel good. Maybe you think it is the same thing idk.
What I mean is that they stop the pain for a few hours which is as good as being high to a normal person. They make it bearable for a few hours and give me a break once a week or so, it's surprising how fatiguing it is when you are in constant pain. I don't mean a bit of pain, I've had a bad knee for years, tennis elbow, buggered rotator cuff, those are nothing to bad nerve pain. You literally feel like killing yourself sometimes, it's like the worst tooth ache ever but on 1/4 of your body at once, and it never stops, never reduces. Often I just sleep after I've taken them, usually I never get more than two hours sleep at a time due to the pain waking me up.

Yeah if you take a handful you get stoned, also interesting if you neck a bottle of wine with them, I wouldn't recommend it.

I also think the dosage we get here in Australia is a fair bit lower than the US. My oxy are only 5mg which is pretty minimal.

Anyway, they are there for a purpose which in my case they are serving, hopefully not long term, physical therapy may help resolve things.
I suppose I can always go back to downing beer every night to numb it all, seems to be the acceptable option :sunny:

I do agree with basically everything you said though
before spinfusor salad died, he used to get 80mg oxy's from the hospital + fentanyl b4 it was popular w junkies

he'd break one in half, crush it up and give it to me then take 2 + the other half of mine

i'd be on the floor drooling and scratching myself and he'd like, do chores and shit bc it was the only time he could

the fentanyl he'd just sleep

one of the last times I saw him, he rocked up to my apartment and asked to sleep on the couch. I was like ya ok and he threw a fent patch on each one of his shoulderblades then poked a hole in another w a needle and sucked out the gel then laid down to sleep

that was like Saturday afternoon

he woke up Monday afternoon, thanked me, and left
mitch is alive, he's just needing spinal surgery b/c of the epic ass kicking glare dished out 2 him in vegas

good point, I wonder if it was the same arm that Glare twisted up behind him before he forced him to the ground in front of his wife and kids.

Mitch should probably overcome his embarrassment and let his insurance company know, they will be sure to sue Glare for a share of the hospital costs.
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