[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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I'm afraid 2 smoke cause I'm afraid I will freak the fuck out

This is almost certainly a self-fulfilling prophecy. It'll never be relaxing and fun if you are afraid of it. Herb will amplify what you expect to feel, and if that's fear then you are doomed to a poor experience. If you expect relaxed and fun you will get it.

Of course that is only set, and equal discussion should be given to setting. However I think setting is easier for most to manage. You just need to find somewhere where you feel safe. Having a friend or two you trust with you there will help as well.

I know that doesn't make it all better, but it is almost always the correct answer. Unless you actually have a latent psychosis or ADD or something. In that case, pot might not be a good idea. But for the vast majority it's your head getting under your skin. Good luck.


ps: I'm really ripped... :wave:
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Yeah I think you're right Zear. The only thing I know for sure is that my tolerance is going to be super low :D.

Thanks dude.
No problem.

There was a period of about 2 years where every night I would get high, and then when I went to bed I would end up visualizing some really messed-up way to die until I would get all wigged out. I mentally told myself to cut it out every time and after about 600 times, it stopped. It happens every now and then still, but I'm over it now. Your head can really corner itself sometimes.

On the flip side, I've often thought I should try to put it down on paper. I bet it would sell as a book. I could call it "50 Fucked-up Ways to Die".

i just reupped because my connect happened to be in town.

join me in a bowl bros

five minutes from now
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i just study for a few hours

buy some fried chicken

now i watch college football eat the chicken adn smoke

ne1 want a drumstick
got some organic bubba kush yesterday

it hits so hard its like getting punched in the face

head was spinning, i felt like i was drunk :)

meant to post about it @ the time but i guess it slipped my mind hehehe
was so high from smoking this clinic's complimentary joint that i had 2 ridiculously crazy dreams last night that made me oversleep 4 hours...

1 i was in a private prison of some sort, accidentally staged a huge distraction and then made a break for it and freeing all their illegal immigrant slave employees in the process

2 i got pulled over by a 18 y/o newbie cop who just got his first squad car, had 2 of his indian homies with him and they pretty much mugged my car (i had a half oz of bud and my wallet out) pretending like it was a routine traffic stop... i got his badge number and threatened him and being the young punk he was agreed to give me back 2/3rds of the weed and my wallet

:lol: i had crazy dreams last night too, don't want to get into too much detail, but it involved the chick in my sig ;)
goin on another hiatus. i'm a weedaholic

even the xanax couldn't stop me from spiraling into vomit sesh '12

i'll let u know how it turns out in a month or two. and i mean it this time (disk) good luck warriors
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