[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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so at what point does this thread require a reboot?

 It was supposed to happen at 1000 posts, so... page 50. We're really good at being stoners I guess. 

I drank too much last night and didn't even make it to the toilet, threw up right before. It's funny because I told myself I wasn't going to do that anymore.

Then today I raced my roommate down the street(apparently I had challenged him to a 100 meter sprint for a handle of cheap vodka. I don't remember it, I was blacked out.) and went to the bathroom after with intent on throwing up again but I willed myself out of it.

What a wild life I lead :lol:
I went to work, where I broke the rudder on my Night Vapor during a 'flight break'. Then I left the good transmitter at work. So tomorrow before my new Super Cub's maiden flight, I have to make an 80 minute round trip just to get the transmitter. Our days were somewhat different.

Had some 4 loko last night, its aight. The vape did a good job of balancing the insane amount of energy I had because of this "alcoholic energy drink." If you have a weak heart, CAUTION

:bandit: waiting for captaininsayno to arrive :bandit:
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