[Official] :bandit: 2.0

I don't know which I like better, the Laughing Buddha or theRed Headed Stranger.

Thank you Jesus for Medical [strike]Marijuana[/strike] i mean bandit
may be spam to sum i guezz
Today I was walking down our main street in the downtown area and there was this preacher guy yakking about something or other and there was a pound of weed in front of him on the sidewalk. I passed by and then did a double take. I go: "is that weed?" and someone said yes so I grabbed a handful. Will report back later on if it's any good but it smells nice
Today I was walking down our main street in the downtown area and there was this preacher guy yakking about something or other and there was a pound of weed in front of him on the sidewalk. I passed by and then did a double take. I go: "is that weed?" and someone said yes so I grabbed a handful. Will report back later on if it's any good but it smells nice
Sadly, it was CBD