[Off Limits] 12 places you're not allowed to visit


Veteran XV

Pic above reminds me of the final level of STALKER SOC.

Also, one of these 12 might surprise you.

Top 12 Places You’re NOT Allowed To Visit In The World - Pixte
That list is mostly private, churches, and gubiment facilities.

I have my own list for Americans. It's easier to say where Americans can go these days, and it's not much because the rest of the world is fucked and hates the USA.

Places where American's can go.
North America (USA, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska)
Germany, Austria, France
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark
South Korea, Japan

The rest is like a big fuck you to Americans, unless you're from Canada like the dude from Vice. I've been to the UK, that was good enough for me. There are plenty of places in the USA to see.

There's YouTube videos of people in Club 33 at Disneyland. It's no big deal.
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Here, it's this map right here, just turn Mexico to green and this is it. Yeah, I left out a few other European places that are safe, that's why the map is easier.