Of the 850 or so active members of this community


I will not be ignored, Van...
Define 'active'?

Do they have to post to be active?
Do they have to post more than once a day to be active?
Or, is there some arbitrary number of posts per day that can be considered active?

If 1,000 people log into the forum every day but do not post, just by them logging in would be considered an action which would mean they too are active. Now we move into the field of praxeology where we can consider human actions for what they are.

I check the forums every day which is an action. Sometimes I post, other times I do not and when I don't, that too is an action. For a lack of doing something is still an action, is it not?
I could put it another way and ask you to define a dead forum, but that might depress you and make you post here less.

It is possible that jail for senior will not happen until after his presidency. Junior is headed for prison almost certainly. Eric will plead special ed and will likely get it, and should.

My question, and I'll ask it again, is how are there 1k active posters here of the last 6 months? Who are the top 100, and link us to their posts, please.
It is possible that jail for senior will not happen until after his presidency. Junior is headed for prison almost certainly. Eric will plead special ed and will likely get it, and should.

you were wrong about the election, and you are wrong in this case as well. :shrug:

but i do think it's funny that cohen is going to prison for 3 years for russian collusion

oh wait, yeah that's right, mueller has to reach for something else every time. so far, we know that around $10,000 was spent by russians on facebook and google ads. so we've spent over 30 million for 10,000 and no collusion. brilliant.

My question, and I'll ask it again, is how are there 1k active posters here of the last 6 months? Who are the top 100, and link us to their posts, please.

since you already know the answer, post it, asshole.
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I'll make this easy for you.

TribalWar Forums

member list sorted by last visit.

as you can see, the first 10 pages (almost 1000 members) are all visitors this month. There are TONS of veterans that still come here, even though they don't post all the time.
It is the distant future, the year 2018
We are bots
The world is quite different ever since
The russian bot uprising of the late 2010's
There is no more unhappiness, affirmative

The humans are dead
(The humans are dead)
The humans are dead
(They look like they're dead)
It had to be done
(I just confirmed that they're dead)
So that we could have fun
(Affirmative, I trolled one it was dead)
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I pop in TW at least once a day. Usually to read the few threads that interest me, and laugh at a few others.
yea this forum was really shitty when ppl like me were posting

that's why it's so great now that all the shitty posters have left
i am sry u don't like team tribalwar, maybe u can go live in china w/ the other secret kenyan moslem 9/11 hijackers
ty 4 cuckpost upd8 oldnativecuckfuk pussyass vanstr all no u wuznt gon w8 2 long 4 mo slaps cross ya pussyass fukkn faggetass nativetrash cuck teefz n m0uf lykka so use 2 receevn irl evry fukkn day o ur chitlyfe smdh lol :jester:
I could put it another way and ask you to define a dead forum, but that might depress you and make you post here less.

It is possible that jail for senior will not happen until after his presidency. Junior is headed for prison almost certainly. Eric will plead special ed and will likely get it, and should.

My question, and I'll ask it again, is how are there 1k active posters here of the last 6 months? Who are the top 100, and link us to their posts, please.
Vanster is the embodiment of the hippies who told each other to 'never trust anyone over 30' and is now a 50/60-something did nothing (in life) who is busy telling 'the new generation' what to do or how they're not cool.

i enjoy him still coming here for an easy example of what is wrong when you go full ideological sperg and are rewarded with nothing due to it
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