Obibun breaks out... of the closet (admitted gay)


Veteran X
shit I'd still rather fuck a male model than the fat hogbeasts you mouthbreathing nerds end up with.

not saying I do, but if I had to choose I'd still take a fine specimen of the male gender than a 250lb pimply faced whale hogbeast.

basically I would much rather fuck a dude than even get near any of the girls the people in this forum associate with

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Guess Obibun's next response and win a cookie!

a) "mraaah"
b) "nerd virgin/nerd rage"
c) "I fuck (male) models"
the strangest thing about queen is that freddie mercury, a flamboyantly charismatic homo, in a band called queen, managed to surprise everybody when he came out as gay

I mean cmon :lol: