[NWS]So I went on my computer today...

strike is temporarliy locked in the bathroom and his dad has an ax outside soon to be in. lol yes lets hope the joke survives the attempt to kill it.
So we have 30 pages of build up to what could have been one of the greatest pranks in TW history and just when it's about to hit end game Stage01 fucks it up for his own amusement.
There's always the idiot kid who can't keep his mouth shut until the prank is done and fucks it up.
Let that be a lesson to everybody else. Complete the prank THEN post it on TW.
Vanster said:
Now comes part where people pile on Jislan and me.

We called this shit 20 pages ago.

Naaahhh...before they get to you, they first need to ban Stage, then try to figure out whats what and if any updates will be coming...and maybe then people will pile on you guys ;)
Just so you all know. The forum post, nor the message sent to georgie hasnt gone through yet. It has like 48 hours before it can go through. So rest assured all of your funny will still come due. And the original poster can still do as he wishes. So if all goes as planned, the majority of what georgie will find out will happen AFTER he gets screwed. Dont worry, that way after we get our funny, the poster gets in trouble. And I get to laugh twice. :lol: :lol:
mrkshammerhand said:
dont try to save your ass boy


no im being serious. Look for yourself.

The post on the forum didn't go through, neither did the post in his personal message board thingy. It has to go "under review" for a 24-48 hour period. chill out, you still get your funny if the original poster dosnt buckle. If not , it's still funny to me. I'm laughing.
Stage01 said:
Just so you all know. The forum post, nor the message sent to georgie hasnt gone through yet. It has like 48 hours before it can go through. So rest assured all of your funny will still come due. And the original poster can still do as he wishes. So if all goes as planned, the majority of what georgie will find out will happen AFTER he gets screwed. Dont worry, that way after we get our funny, the poster gets in trouble. And I get to laugh twice. :lol: :lol:

ban this fuck already, trying to wriggle out of it.
