[NWS][PICS][EPIC] 12 Boobs of Christmas contest: Taurus girl wants boobs, VOTE NOW

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you know what
i've been pissed for awhile now that you haven't even updated the first fucking post

you've siad you would about 10 times now, and it's still not done. THIS IS NOT A HARD REQUEST yet you seem to have difficulty doing it (even after claiming you would numerous times)

this alone says to me that you're a liar AND you think you have this in the bag. that is reason enough for me to be voting against you.

I think this is somehow bullshit too! something is just not right.
Im with Taurus, the point (AGAIN) is take the pics fansigns and vids ect after she has the new boobs, Taurus makes sense, is a good guy and has provided pics already, I think he will again in future and we should just be paitent for the time being, if you guys wanna riot when the contest is over and she gets boobs and Taurus ditches us im all with ya; but until that time im with Taurus and I think he will follow through anyway,

Good luck Taurus,
Enjoy your new tits, just remember me when the time comes for the pics fansign vids ect.

I am glad you're not posting pics as you promised. People said you're a good man and will come through with the pics but apparently they lied. Excuses come up and pics aren't taken. It only takes seconds to take a picture and maybe a minute to upload it and post it on TW. Are our votes not worth that small amount of time?
still voting every day

is that how the other girls are pulling ahead, myspace spammers? seems plausible enough.
While I wouldn't mind a fansign after the job's done, this vote is for the glory of Tribalwar. And to help a fellow TW'er out.
Since adding the last picture I don't know how many days and pages ago I have been posting a vote from a different hotel room every day. I want to show the power of TW with internet voting and I wish Taurus and his wife the best. I also understand the situation with a family member in the hospital and that can excuse a lot of in-attention here. I thought from the first post that there would be ongoing and after images throughout the process and it seems others think that too. I would ask people to stick with the process anyway and look forward to the "fruits of our success". There is no reason at this moment for people to fly off the handle. Wait and see and keep voting. I think Taurus has been around long enough to know the long term consequences of screwing the community and I don't think he would do it.

On a side note Taurus should video the entire process from doctor visit to final product once they win. Just think we could have our very own Doctor 90210 type show without the editing.
Taurus recently posted that only those that have been voting will get "fruits of our succes" by email and that the complainers will get nothing. I do not believe that will be incentive for them to vote for her.
Taurus recently posted that only those that have been voting will get "fruits of our succes" by email and that the complainers will get nothing. I do not believe that will be incentive for them to vote for her.

I doubt that's what he meant, that'd be fucking gay.
I doubt that's what he meant, that'd be fucking gay.

Taurus said:
Well thank you and I didnt expect that from invar either... but some people are just like that, and as far as reeking of bullshit, me being more wrapped up with my son in the hospital far outweighs any work of putting up new pics, you'll just have to deal with that. I never had any intrest in putting up new pics everyday of her old tits because you guys dont know what breasts look like, I wanted to put up some pictures when I could and have TW help us get her a new set of juggs, then after that we were going to post shitloads of pics, and fansigns, and whoever asked for a video, thats all np but that a reward to tw for help us. If you dont want to vote dont, those of you that still are thank you and we'll just send you shit in email instead of making it public here then seeing how so many people are pissed off.
While I wouldn't mind a fansign after the job's done, this vote is for the glory of Tribalwar. And to help a fellow TW'er out.

Look at this^^ that is beautiful
So simple even a member gets it.
You're a good percson
Fuck it I am voting again for about the 30th time. Even if he only sends shit to people who contiue to vote I am ok with pics and a video in my email :)
Hell, if the pics are being sent via email, I guess I need to post and indicate that I've been voting twice per day since this thread started.
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