[NWS] Gay Black Porn. [NWS]

Perma-:ban:. At this point you're not even trying to be funny, you're just trying to be a fag who posts gay porn. Take that shit to the nazi boards.

edit: Just so he still gets banned for it. He posted a hotlinked picture and said "You were warned beforehand with the title of the thread". He edited it though and now it's linked, but he's still a fuck and should be banned.
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Nope, you were warned.

:lol:. are you that uncomfortable with your sexuality that you need to look for gay porn, post it, and then call everyone who clicks the thread a faggot? you're priceless
Two extraordinarily worthless attempts at trolling in one night.

What the fuck do you want Tribalwarfare.com to say to you, you fucking attention whore?

"...looking back, the extraordinary planning and timing on the part of EMOKITTEH in regard to the making of " Not Work Safe
Gay Black Porn. Not Work Safe
" played second fiddle only to his otherworldly originality..."

Motherfucking Ban.
